Thursday, January 6, 2011

awesome hair , no more !

 #1 : frizzy hair but i love the colour , sadly its gone now :(

 #2 : !!


i always make a habit to throw a bunch of pictures and called it a new blogpost  already LOL funny eh ?

anyway every year passed , i tend to recall back the past when i was young(er) and stupid(er) .
about those naive stuff i did back then . it was stupid and retarded , i must say .

lol , am i the only one whos like that or whatt ? :O 

kthxbai :)


its my deepest apologize for being absent for 2months and left this darling blog untouched :(
anyway good news is im back now :)

 huge picture incase you've forgotten how i looked like ROFLMAO


btw , happy new year 2011 ! :)

i ponteng on the 4th day of school LOL i'm indeed a 'good student' XD

Saturday, November 6, 2010


#1 : some shots i took for fun 

  the un-completed d.i.y LOL

just some pictures i took few months ago :)
random update again wtff fuckmylife & my reader's life for visiting such a lousy blog post BUT I LOVE YOU  ALL LOL kthxbai :))


been so so so busy these few days as im working right now , rarely has the chance to go online but there's something that really inspires me to blog and it really surprise me ..

its something that really makes me wanna tear up.

thankyou viv for being such a good reader of my useless blog :(
i feel so bad for not updating T.T

But , im not really complaining because i love my job :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

my black x white chain


today im gonna blog about those black&white chains i bought in daiso (:
at first i didn't even know they exist eventho i do pay a regular visit to daiso , but thanks to cho dixxon i've actually discover such a amazing thingy lol (:

ofcourse i bought two of them , because i had this obsession with black & white things lol :D


so nais right ???  
can be wore in soooo many different and it only cost you 5ringgit lol  ! :) 

p/s : my blog is getting stupid and boring right ? :(

Monday, October 25, 2010

my new baby / boyfie :)


tadaaaaa ~ my cute baby stitch :)
so cute right ? :P he's my lucky charm , brought him along for interview and guess what ? im hired ^^
baby stitch is    ♥ 

 u see , mad cute till i can dai right nao  ♥ 

 baby drinking yakult  ♥ 

 ♥ my baby stitch so much that i can dai lor ;) 
btw , now i black x white fever lol 
can only buy black x white shirt eventho other colours is nicer lol :P

Monday, October 18, 2010

nuffnang glitterati+ meeting in taylors


all pic credited to : aprilfy & ethan :)

nuffnang glitterati + meeting was held in taylor's college , and it was no doubt awesome .
i felt like im a college kid whos taking blogging course right now. heheheh

being able to attend nuffnang event is awesome eventho its just a small meeting . :)

bloggers group shot (: 

bloggers : alex , edwin , ethan , calvin , xiao tong , dixxon , shannon , hooinee , tonin , joshua , henry  , jayren , liki , richard , rui etc :) do tell me if i missed out 

erm hai , this is me & alex the photographer (: 

and this is just a camwhore picture that u might want to skip :P

dustyhawk bullying me T^T .he's the event planner for glitterati plus :) so cool !

camwhore pic again ! :D tehehehehe
sorry for so many camwhore picture , cuz i pan lengleng tht day mah ofcourse camwhore is a MUST ( and summore wif alex's awesome dslr ) ! :)

it stated there 10AM start , but y'know lah "malaysian's time" always late one lol

taylors_uni 025
start at 10.30 , with tim the big boss giving a speech ..
following with tehtarikdrinker !
seriously didnt know he is the president for glitterati plus .

everything he/tim said seriously inspired me to do this post on 2AM lol

after explaining everything regarding glitterati plus , we were required to fill in a form ( to sign up )
then there's light refreshment , muffins , cream puffs etc (:

then we headed to wong kok for nom
and conciendiently its joshua 's birthday , which means FREE HUGEASS DRINK  YAY ! 8D 

taylors_uni 043

after many many failed camwhore shots and long talk ..

we decided to head back to the hall eventho its late :P

And suprisingly no one was there , which means its fooling time 8D
taylors_uni 061

blablabla , after that headed to sunway pyramid to get some real nom nom in pizza huts !
then bought some chains , blame chodixxon for inspiring XD
after tht edwinck fetched me back to pav , thanks :)

P/s : job interview tomorrow ; me nervous :(