Monday, October 18, 2010

nuffnang glitterati+ meeting in taylors


all pic credited to : aprilfy & ethan :)

nuffnang glitterati + meeting was held in taylor's college , and it was no doubt awesome .
i felt like im a college kid whos taking blogging course right now. heheheh

being able to attend nuffnang event is awesome eventho its just a small meeting . :)

bloggers group shot (: 

bloggers : alex , edwin , ethan , calvin , xiao tong , dixxon , shannon , hooinee , tonin , joshua , henry  , jayren , liki , richard , rui etc :) do tell me if i missed out 

erm hai , this is me & alex the photographer (: 

and this is just a camwhore picture that u might want to skip :P

dustyhawk bullying me T^T .he's the event planner for glitterati plus :) so cool !

camwhore pic again ! :D tehehehehe
sorry for so many camwhore picture , cuz i pan lengleng tht day mah ofcourse camwhore is a MUST ( and summore wif alex's awesome dslr ) ! :)

it stated there 10AM start , but y'know lah "malaysian's time" always late one lol

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start at 10.30 , with tim the big boss giving a speech ..
following with tehtarikdrinker !
seriously didnt know he is the president for glitterati plus .

everything he/tim said seriously inspired me to do this post on 2AM lol

after explaining everything regarding glitterati plus , we were required to fill in a form ( to sign up )
then there's light refreshment , muffins , cream puffs etc (:

then we headed to wong kok for nom
and conciendiently its joshua 's birthday , which means FREE HUGEASS DRINK  YAY ! 8D 

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after many many failed camwhore shots and long talk ..

we decided to head back to the hall eventho its late :P

And suprisingly no one was there , which means its fooling time 8D
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blablabla , after that headed to sunway pyramid to get some real nom nom in pizza huts !
then bought some chains , blame chodixxon for inspiring XD
after tht edwinck fetched me back to pav , thanks :)

P/s : job interview tomorrow ; me nervous :(