Saturday, April 18, 2009

6 type of desserts in a day *dies of fatness*


dessert 's bar are having promotion "buy 1 free 1 icecream" *grins*
where can you get such great deal ?
i was overjoyed to eat such low-calorie yet delicous ice cream .
ate macha azuki[greentea] & black sesame with soy sauce .
home made , less fat , less sugar yet still the taste is still godness delicious. it's worth drooling over it ;D

so , weight-watcher-ers .. click here for more info ( u know u want to )
dessert's bar

1) greentea ice cream *overjoyed*
2) black sesame with soy sauce ice cream
3) shangrila 's blueberry bar
4) shangrila 's peach bar
5) dessert's bar 'smochi-mochi
6) wendy's (i-forgot-the-name) *points below*
it's like a milk-like ice cream. it send me to heaven for 5sec due to it's delicious-ness ;D

camwhored with lilx bro in jaya one's wendy ;D

wendy's CHILLI ;D delicious mexican 's chilli mixed with beef/beans etc ;D

shangri la's lemon garden 2 go ^^

wendy's ;D the fantastic burger , worth trying ( really )
end the day with a picture . haha , me is a camera lover ;D

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