Monday, October 26, 2009


im shit dead .

he told me this.
they tell me that.
blablablablablabla :/

things are gettin interesting :)
good thing ? no ?


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009


sigh. i know , i really should start studying now D:

even zhenwei is studying !!!! O.O
okay. that's not funny at all -.-"
sorry lah, stress is taking over my body ._. ..

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

life #

konni ^_^
suprise to see me blogging today ? thankx to aiko.joji-chaan :D

these few days i've been walking.walking.walking like mad ... blame my phone >:(
the weld -> Plaza lowyat -> sungai wang ->lot 10 -> times square then reverse again.
1 day atleast walk 2 times :(
YET STILL , my phone is not fixed yet.
that friggin' arsehole problem is bcuz of celcom BUT i went to LG shop to fix instead. WOW , i'm so "smart" -________-
hah . but atleast i got to eat some awusum fuuuud (:

sorry for picture kinda' blur :(
comment pwease ? D:
my creation

Saturday, October 17, 2009

RC freak #

let's see.
RC is awusum 8D
i really should study .. but urgh... no mood :( and it sucks D:
anyway , my phone is currently fixing . yay ! XD

P/s it's just a freaking short post out of my boredom :D:D:D:D
P/P/s : happie diwali :D
P/P/P/S : I sangattttt <3 Lamb stew ^^

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


/(><)\ Konnni ~
gomen for not being away for soooooooooooo long :) lol
beauty expo-s , anime & err.... eating? has been keeping me away from blogging ! evil !
oh well , i don't think anyone reads my blog anyway .. only me .. the author as the reader lol
didn't take any pics from beautyexpos as im too busy looking (: {not at hawt guy}
let's seee........
no , i didnt edit it to make me prettier .. i edit it for fun nya :D

naked eye . no mascara , eyeliner , not even foundation lolx
after ~ it might looks weird here.. try zooming in (:
random. i kinda lurve it cuz of the effect above.. BUT i accidently smudge too much :(
bleh , this is what i do when im bored. .. and now i regret for editing my skin darker .. gosh :(
lol.. finally a non-edit pic :D

mum says need to reformat my phone (crys)
damn la.
mickey mouse ulcer hurts like @#&^$&^%*^%#$@$ !!!!!!

P/S ; starfruits is awesome XDXD

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

greentea day#

happie belated mooncake festival to my dear readers (:

MSQ a.k.a the condo where i'm living at currently held a "so-called-party" .. lol.
food was erm..okay-okay only lah ;P
the best part is .. all those "pondan" goes all wild {in a good way}when the "DJ" on songs by pussycat dolls and start dancing sexy dance . seriously i've to admit that their dance is *whistle* haha. joking lah .. but yeah, it's Great (:
then they start catwalk-ing . 1 word = WOW XD
then later on , those "eraq" {nope,i don't know how to spell} start dancing their tradiotional dance . lol.. nah , "pondak" outmatch them ;P heheheh til like erm..12 ?
& nope. no picture .. too busy looking ;P

the next morning , my grandpa wants to eat klang 's pakuteh .. yeah , we drive all the way there.
but omgosh , it was worth it . the pak ku teh taste like heaven *lights shines down* haha

and blablabla.
mom took me to pavilion . wanted to do piercing but no time :(
ate greentea soba (Again) , greentea mini waffle , greentea eggtart , greentea icecream (Again) , greentea marshmallow ... etc etc.. too many til i forgot . lol
oh yeah , i drank greentea latte again aswell *heaven-like*

anyway , i was suppouse to study right now .. but urgh.. no mood .
alright .. too much talking . time for teh picturess <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">on the way to eat pak ku teh .. i look crappy cuz i just woke up :D
me gilaaaaaaaaaa bout anime :D .. u can spot 3book of manga if u look closely :D
greentea tarrrrrrrt ..... {that taste like shyt .. i mean er.. too soft & no taste ..well..shyt-like) LOL
kawaii greentea mini waffle .. ( it was quite big .. same size as my hand ) LOL.

no picture of other fuud cuz i was busy eating && phone ran out of battery.

preparation for exam .. *points below*
1) lent my bro's g'soft pen ( YAY .. i retard )
2) tons of bubblegum to keep me awake ( YAY again)
3) sleep early today.. (well .. atleast i wish i could)

byeeeeeeeeeee for now =D

Thursday, October 1, 2009

how pretty r u ?#

want to know how pretty are you ? lol.

visit here -> it's clickable ><
bleh , i got 6+ out of 10 ;(

DO share with me your result pwease ><
arigatou~ ^^