Wednesday, October 14, 2009


/(><)\ Konnni ~
gomen for not being away for soooooooooooo long :) lol
beauty expo-s , anime & err.... eating? has been keeping me away from blogging ! evil !
oh well , i don't think anyone reads my blog anyway .. only me .. the author as the reader lol
didn't take any pics from beautyexpos as im too busy looking (: {not at hawt guy}
let's seee........
no , i didnt edit it to make me prettier .. i edit it for fun nya :D

naked eye . no mascara , eyeliner , not even foundation lolx
after ~ it might looks weird here.. try zooming in (:
random. i kinda lurve it cuz of the effect above.. BUT i accidently smudge too much :(
bleh , this is what i do when im bored. .. and now i regret for editing my skin darker .. gosh :(
lol.. finally a non-edit pic :D

mum says need to reformat my phone (crys)
damn la.
mickey mouse ulcer hurts like @#&^$&^%*^%#$@$ !!!!!!

P/S ; starfruits is awesome XDXD

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