Friday, November 20, 2009


last time i used to want something so desprately til i could even cry everynight for it.
seeing peoeple playing it was the most heartbreaking moment ever. i envy people. i thought that i was the only one that's suffering . i thought that i could live without it . i thought ... i thought... i was meant to be with it only.. nothing else.
but then i was wrong once again , now i got parent's permission to learn it... but i no longer feel the love i felt last time .
last time , whenever i listen to its playing , i feel love , i feel kindness .. warmness.. everything that defines love (;
when im sad , i could even cry like a babi bcuz its playing is so emotional.
i cry . i cry & cry again for it .
i hope , i wish to play it with my bare hand . i thought it was the only thing that can bring me happiness.
but now my wish came true . but i dont know what to do anymore.
what's wrong with me ?
everything i desire cametrue but i just dont feel the way i used to felt before.
i want to gain back those feeling of love ... feeling of sadness...
maybe im just like that ..
maybe i will only like a thing for temporary
maybe it's like a replacing for the actual thing?
maybe.....idono ;(

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