Saturday, May 30, 2009


taken from joyce-chan 's blog ^.^
hope joyce doesn't mind .

The original~

The copyCat ;D

lolx ;D

mom took me pergi makan di shabu shabu .
i almost died cuz of the delicious-ness XD

oh , my doggie's registered name is gracemankenn tury XD
gonna train him to become a showdog ;D
lolx , every sunday at bu's park ^^
changed his diet to blackwood , a better dogfood XD

btw , there's good news & bad news ;D
bad news first , kays ?

bad News is ..
there's only 1 good news

Good News is ..

i 've lost weight ^^
dont want to tell you how many kg xD
by walking my baby doggie every sunday helps weih XD

the plants looks cute >.<

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