Thursday, May 28, 2009

teacher day#

lolx. damned fun XD
went to school , see some perfomance etc.
after that , went back to class to have partayy ;D
judan sponser secret recipe cake .^^
my hair kena noodles splash by tini , pinafore kena 100Plus by Judan;Water by HueyYI/PauHwa , face kena icing by amanda etc XD
and thankx mom for coming all the way to take my phone back ^0^

nerdy me >O< hehe XD
me && BGGGGGG :D
dorothy ( did i spell your name correctly ?) ^^
<3 this candid picture of hueyi taken by ME :D
zhi zheng :D
si ying ; coke , carmen ; KICK-A-POO ^^
me && huisann a.k.a bebe ;D fyi ,im still wet when i took this pic XD
pweetty hueyYI with bangie me XP
kisses by hueyyi to you ^_^
i look retarded #_#
heh , so SUGOIIII~
on the cake :Happy teacher's day , from : 2siantan . on the tray thingy : *sponser by Judan*
<3 this picture like hella' lotx ;D
Si Ying , HueyYi , ME , HuiSann , PauHwa & Jia Wen
PauHwa , ME , HueyYI ,Huisann & Muni <3

today is like the happiest day in form2 ;D

Lotx Of Love;
Ciel-Chann :D

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