Monday, June 22, 2009

loser ? LOSER#

oh dear diary ,

here's a message for u.
carm says she didn't study for this term's exam , that's why her result totally suckup.
she's in deepshit now , fyi (:
oh , well.. some1 's gonna screw her upside down.

lol. actually those are not true *points above* well..except for the screwing
loser.loser.loser.loser , u say ? INDEED
she studyed alot just for this term's exam. and yet , her result suckup , and she's really sad now.
cuz if her parents knows her result ........ urgh, nevermind . it's not like you care.
is god playing a game with her ?
no matter how much she studyed , but her result keep dropping. wtf is that ?
damn la weih , why is the world so un-fair ?
if her mom saw her result like that .. i wonder what's gonna happen ..
there's no "another chance" for me , it's always NOW NOW NOW or NEVER .
i wonder wat they would react when i tell them ...
perhaps............. i dono
bloody everyone who have high hopes on me . why must they give me soo much pressure?
i know i did very sucky ... too sucky already til my mom even malu to go school & see my result .
i don't really know what should i do.
everytime when i study hard , my result would turned up real bad .
so .. yeah , i give up .. cuz i know no matter how much i study , my result still would remain suck.

i offically giveup on every single thing i want to do .
cuz i dont want everything to end up being sucky too.


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