Friday, February 19, 2010


most of my friends knows quite well that i'm addicted with anything regarding violin right ? (:

as im reading kennysia 's blog . i saw...


LOL ! a friggin hawt guy who loves violin like i do (:
he even sleep with the violin leh :D
oh oh oh , && his name is DENNIS LAU :D
i was thinking ..mmhmm, his playing should be perfect , better than sugizo from X japan (=
i really thought "waaa, " malaysia boleh " that phrase is indeed true :D local artist ftw "

but when i was bored & wanna listen to his playing on youtube ..

I CLICK 1 of the video there ...
& honestly i was dissaponted = . = i was expecting dramatic beautiful the-type-that-can-make-u-shed-tears 1 :D

macam ini lah ,

ok lah, maybe he's okay for a "malaysia-standard" .

i dont mean to insult but i just have realllly high hopes on people who sleep with the violin eventhough it's just the album concept . roflmao :D

and no , im not insulting malaysian , im just saying we could do better but we dont have the desire to do it unlike others .

&& yes i gain back my love for the violin (:
i'm sorry for leaving u sleeping in the violin case for soo long , i promise u once i get the strings im so gonna play you everyday alright ^^

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