Sunday, September 5, 2010

super barbie diamond blue contact lens review

super barbie diamond review :D

BLUE EYES , anyone ? x)
i know the tiny doll there wasnt necessary but i think its looks cute together :D

its cute , don't cha think so ? :D btw its my lil sis 's toy roflmao :3

*jeng jeng jeng*

item details
brand : super barbie
Diameter : 16mm / 15.8mm
base curve : 8.60mm
water content : 48 %

this is actually my first pair of contact lens :D awesome ryte ?
 i wanted dizoneye at first but no stock so i choose the closest pattern to dizoneye ,
but kinda sad it isnt aqua-ish :P

btw i was studying science while taking picture of my contacts LOL

overall : 8/10
love the enlargement :D (see comparison below)

sorry for my untrimmed fugly-looking eyebrow T^T

 natural lighting~
indoor lighting~

review : its my first pair ( and im still noob at this so bear wif me )
hmm...the patterns is so pwetty ♥♥♥ but some of my friends say its scary up close :O
haha maybe they're not used to it :D cant blame them but i likey this contacts 

now i can haz the dolly eye effect cuz the diameter is 16mm ♥ its like so ZOMG HUGE O.O  
oh and , the pattern and the black limbal ring blended very well so it looks kinda natural yet dolly 
plus , its really comfortable :D after wearing it for 4hours , i can barely feel them on :3

AWESOME blue eyes no ? :D

gonna buy more soon ! ;)


  1. waaa! it really enlarge your eyes by alot! :) how much are those lenses?

  2. Wahh, really nice lor. I don't really wear contacts cos I don't need one yet *touch wood. Think it really suits you. Cheers~

  3. really nice lens... awesome...haha

  4. i wonder if the vision will be decrease as in affected by the blueness of it... i still prefer my clear contacts :)

  5. I often wear lens =)
    If lazy, den wear back my thick glasses =(
    But this type sui meh? The pattern like gt square square 1 rite?
    But it looks gd on ur eyes =)

  6. nice lens, but I think u shouldn't be buying other uncertified contact lenses. i saw on tv..someone in taiwan bought lenses online and had eyes infection because the colour tends to fall off..

  7. im talking bout blue eyes blue eyes, what's the matter matter :p

  8. whao gorgeous! =D but blue lens never come into my list. for me it's the most unnatural colour. try to get others to see the comparison =)

  9. >calvin : i bought it at rm35 ;)

    >danial : thanks ;))

    >MK : thankiew XD

    >chris : haha quite weird i guess X)

    >27 : haha yeah gonna buy tht soon :D

    >mel : thankiew ;)

    >k : thanks :D

    >henry : haha i dun think so lah :D

    >tolanic : blue contacts only ;P white wad white lol

    >yi han : thanks :D

    >everlyn : haha i think its nice lo :D

    >elvin : O.O omgggggg yea i heard alot of rumors bout it too D:

    >hilda : XD

    >cayenne : haha okiie okiie :D
