Saturday, August 28, 2010

of photography etc

♥ taking photography alot alot (:
to me , photography allows you to express yourself in a form of art .
and no , i don't have those big & bulky & awesome dslr ( no money buy LOL ) .

 so its just me & my compact camera 












Sorry if this is boring D: i just had to show off mai super awesome photography skills >D
HAHAHA JK JK JK JK JK :P don't mind me , random mode nao :P

kthxbai ♥ 


  1. Nowadays, with digital cameras, we could just snap, snap, snap till we drop. Don't like delete lor. No need to develop or print. Wonderful science discovery! Carry on n have fun! Cheers!

  2. >lion : haha yeah yeah :P thanks (;

  3. last time when digicam wasn't around yet, taking picture with one of those cameras that use film was a bit challenging. had to make sure you get a good picture. only got one shot. LOL you screw that one shot, then the picture won't come out nice. heh.
    i love technology XD

  4. Milo! Yummy yummy! Must drink it everyday! =)

  5. i love photography too c: nice photos btw!
