Friday, October 15, 2010

vivi-fied my table

scare you with my picture first LOL

sorry for being absent for 1month + ,
well , im back now :)  PMR FREEE YAY 8D

so right after pmr , i decided to change the image of my table ;

this is before ; sorry i know its messy :P
PMR mahhhh , cannot blame me

wipe clean x100 , then tear out vivi mag page :)

cut those clothes out & arrange them according to what u desire lol.

then stick stick stick :P 

tadaaaaa ,
its done (:

not bad right ?  :)

you should try it too :D
but my mum say looks like table cloth roflmao ;P

p/s : changed bloglayout , nice ? :)


  1. wow so creative! how long does it take you to finish everything? :D

    P/S: I think I like the previous header better (:

  2. nice but kinda confusing when u find ur stuff on the table...
