Sunday, August 31, 2008

the awesome br ice cream (:

well..HAPPIE 51th MERDEKA (: (: (:

went to one utama with mom .. bought 2 body glove tee , makanan , necklace ring , some funky keychain ..and ofcause...BR ICE CREAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey..check out our blog ..
wow ! it's clickable !! (:

lols ?

later will update a proper post..

Saturday, August 30, 2008

lols ??

yesterdayy the post bout the camp 1 is kinda cacated coz i 'm tired so..
we played a game , have to stick a rand0m pers0n's name on ur f0rehead ..well.. i 've got ' justin yong' have no idea whos tat ..then ... 'avril lavign' enuf ? :P..
i love funky chicken :3 !!
left , right , left , right ..
(forms a circle)
**let's me see a funky chicken
what's tat u said ?
**i said let's me see a funky chicken
**what's tat u siad ?
**it goes
boom , bap , bap , bap , boom , bap , bap ,bap , b00m..
b00m bap bap bap b00m , bap bap bap , B00m
well...i stay awake till 3a.m. busy chatting lols. so, i woke up at 1p.m. in the afternoon . i would be sleeping later ...but thanks to joanna's morning afternoon call..lols.haha
tired la :D , i'm sleepy but i wanna continue reading twilight ..lolx..
colour the feather one sided black one sided red ..lols ? emo/goth much ? well..tat's me >.<
made a rand0m b00kmark ... i wr0te t0ns 0f rand0m w0rd there..u w0uld be suprise when u saw it ..tehheee...
now..i regret for spending [censored] on keychain.. yeah , i 'm a keychain lover :D

bye babes..
love youuu..and will always do :D:D

Friday, August 29, 2008

campfire :D

well...yesterdayy my layout is cacated !! sry yea . . .
changed my blog layout ady.. hope youuu will likee itt (:
todayy is F-I-N-E ..
i brought my phone to school todayy coz of the campfire , and sengie told me there will be a spotcheck..yea..HE 'S LYING !! >.< size="1">but i just dislike the food..sry...
well , i laugh/jump/dance/talk/joke/gay ..etc etc..
i know i 'm outdated ..but ..still .... twilight rocks !! :D
fyi , currently folding stars for my kor ... lol.

i'm bored !!
1. Do you hate the last guy you texted?
~ YEAH !!!!!
2. When was the last time you took a nap?
~ Yesterdayy :D
3. Do you only drink bottled water?
~ nope
4. What are you listening to right now?
~ lucky
5. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
~ joanna
6. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
~ none !!
7. What's on your mind most today?
~ my kor :3
8. Something that happened today that made you angry?
~ nah...donwan to talk bout it ..
9. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
~ depends
10. Do you wear makeup?
~ depends
11. Are you missing someone?
~ yeah..
12. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
~ yeahh :D
13. What instant messaging service do you use?
~ msn??
14. Would you date/hook up with your sisters best friend?
~ =-=
15. Have you ever had a panic attack?
~ YEAH !
16. What colour is your hair?
~ black coz of pn.lee la..ishh!!
17. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
~ brother
18. Are you happy right now?
~ more of BORED !!
19. Is your phone right beside you?
~ yup.
20. who was the last person u kissed?
~ my pig
21. What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
~ everything
22. First thing you do when you wake up?
~ open my eye !
24. Would you prefer a thunderstorm or for it to be snowing?
26. What were you doing 10 hours ago?
~at one utama
27. Have u dated some1 who is not ur race/religion?
~ nahhh
28. Are you that good at maths?
~ NOPE !!
29. Do/Did you listen to your parents?
~ oni when it is correct to me..
30. At what age did you learn to ride a bike?
~ forgot
31. What's your favorite holiday?
~ public holidayss... xD
32. Ever dyed your hair?
~ yeahhhh
33. Do you have any siblings? Do you get along?
~ yup..
34. Do you cry a lot?
~ yeahhh
35. Are you good at keeping secrets?
~ Ya... =X
36. What did you do today?
~shopping/fold stars/singing/laughing/dancing
37. Do you crack your knuckles?
~ yeahhh
38. What kind of tattoos do you want/have?
~ a tattoo right on my neck !
39. Do you give special ringtones to certain people?
~ yup.
40. Have you talked mean about anyone today?
~ ya...
41. Can you remember your last dream?
~secret :X
42. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
~ ya... regret 4 doing tat...
46. Suppose you see your boyfriend/girlfriend kissing another person, what would you do?
~ hmm... stun!!!!!!
47. What is bothering you right now?
~ sej project
48. Can you type over 60 words per minute?
49. Would you be able to date someone who had a kid with someone else?
~ depends
50. What will you be doing 5 hours from now?
sleeping ~

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

tons of swearing :P

well , today i'm very hyper till censored told me something.. raining .. cold la >.< hehe..
GREAT !! NO PJK for 1month ..haih..puasa mah >.<>.<
todayy , me , hana , weisim and joanna played drama ..we laugh al0t ..seriously :D here's a picture of gaspard ulliel *points above* ..guess wat ??


lol..but he stilll sooooo hot ..
i promise not to swear anymore if u saw me swearing , just slap me ! haha ..

carmen can't do anything about it

gaspard ulliel
<3<3<3>WAS gonna play edward cullen
he's hot n cute !!!
comparing with...*points below*
i like gaspard ulliel better...seriously..sorry !

random (:

Gaspard Ulliel is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HOT !!

yes..he's HOt and CUTE (:
wow..awesome eye !!

Gaspard Ulliel is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HOT !!
i think i should cut the crap again ..hehe *points above*
well , when i get up in mua school bus .. saw mua X ..i saw him everydays :X . me n joanna started being HIGH ..well..we sang teletubbies theme song *points below*
Time for teletubbies,
time for teletubbies,
time for teletubbies....
Tinkywinky. "Tinkywinky!"
Dipsy. "Dipsy!"
Laalaa. "Laalaa!"
Po. "Po!"
Teletubbies. "Teletubbies!"
Say, Heeeeee-lo! "Eh-oh!"
Tinkywinky. Dipsy. Laalaa. Po.
Teletubbies. "Teletubbies!"
Say Heeeeeee ......... "Uh-oh!"
"Where have the teletubbies gone ?
Where have the teletubbies gone?"

LOL !!.. haha ..then barney ..

forgot the lyrics liao..sowee !! paiseh*

well ..then bi , me n joanna were talking bout the cosplay reno ..guess wat ? i drew a hawaii reno for her (:

during geo .. i'm EMO-ing there .

well...mua class is the 1st class who decorate the class..HEHE (:

least but not last ;

Gaspard Ulliel is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HOT.......

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

happie bday amber !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

i 'm here to wish this cute lilz no no...she's a big girl liao *points above*
saw this cute big 13 years old chick hugging the tree ? well .. environment friendly !!*clap*clap*clap !! and.. she 's wearing krs FULL U when hugging the three !! *clap x2*clap x2*clap x2 !! (:


wish you ...
dreams come true ,
best in everything u did ,
happie always ,
smile always ,
happie couple-ing ,
get gud result ,
stay lenglui ,
stay cute ,
continue loving trees...

p/s hope you and ur beloved bf will last 4ever XPXPXPXPXPXP

as a present ..i'll finish the tag ..

tagged by ber [bday girl] n nicky

1. Andrew- Andrew gan??
2. Austin- [insert]
3. Brandon- brandon
4. Chad- Chad Michael Murray
5. Christopher- [insert]
6. Daniel-
Daniel Radcliffe
7. Derek- [insert]
9. Ethan- [insert]
10. Gabriel- [insert]
11. Hunter-[insert]
12. Ian- [insert]
13. Isaac - [insert]
14. Jacob - josiah's bro
15. Joseph- joseph chu ?
16. Kevin- [insert]
17. Logan-[insert]
19. Michael- [insert]
20. Nicholas- [insert]
21. Noah-[insert]
22. Philip- philip MAH :P:P
23. Ryan- ryan sheckler HOT HOT HOT!!!!
24. Samuel- [insert]
25. Shawn- Sean Peh
26. Thomas-thomas the train XPXP
27. Tyler-[insert]
28. William-William cheang my bro ..
29. Zachary- [insert]
1. Alice- [insert]
2. Amanda- Amanda low :P:P
3. Beth-[insert]
4. Becky- [insert]
5. Catharine- [insert]
6. Crystal- crystal fung
7. Danielle- [insert]
8. Elizabeth-[insert]
9. Esther- [insert]
10. Fiona-fiona shrek !
11. Gianna- [insert]
12. Grace- [insert]
13. Hannah- Hannah tan
14. Hillary- Hillary Duff? :D:D
15. Jennifer-jennifer lopez :O:O
16. Kristen-[insert]
17. Lauren-[insert]
18. Lydia- my bro 's frenz 's gf
19. Melissa- [insert]
20. Mia-[insert]
21. Natalie- [insert]
22. Rachel- Rachel Foooooooo! jien yi jien yi !
23. Rebecca- forgot liao
24. Sarah- Sarah Tan..
25. Stephanie-stephanie tay
26. Tiara- [insert]
27. Tiffany- [insert]
28. Vanessa- [insert]
29. Wendy- [insert]
30. Zoe- forgot liao
Tag five people and tell them in their chatterbox.
i tags - regine ,
joanna , haans , sengie ..
KANAME'm being random :P

Sunday, August 24, 2008


yeah... :P
school start ...
drank wine yesterday while chatting lepaskan stress
watch / read vampire knight anime/manga ..

love kaname kuran !

hmm..i wonder where mua kor been ? haven see him online todayy :D ...

HE ROCKS !!!!!!!!

well , haven done mua sej / geo project ...WONT BE DOING IT thou.. :X


love kaname kuran :P

Saturday, August 23, 2008

tagged !!! i love tag :P

Instruction: Remove one question from the above and add in your personal question. Make it a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them at the end of the post. Notify them at their cbox that they’ve been tagged. Whoever who does the tags will have blessing from all.

1. At wat age do you wish to married?
hmm..30 ish ?

2. Study hard or play hard?
study hard play hard (:

3. Do you belive in true friends ?
yeahh :)

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
sometimes :/

5. Who is the person you trust the most?
my soul ^^ lolz

6. Who is your favourite cartoon character?
have no idea :P

7. What is your ideal friend?
Someone who i can trust..

8. What is your goal this year?

9. Do you believe in eternity love?

10. If you have all the time and money in the world, what would you do?
Donate,spend.....tak tahu la

11. When will you feel sad?
..i always felt sad..i dont know why..

12. Balloons or Candy?

14. What is your childhood ambition?
dono ..dont care..

15. Do you believe in love at first sight?
hell yeah heaven yeah

16. What do you want now?
a spongebob keychain/plush toy ^^

17. Who do you hope to be always behind you, supporting you?
my kor usual ..

18. do you loved ur pet sis /bro ?

19. Describe the person who tagged you in five words.
saya tak tahu .... ..<---- tat's 5 ! lol..

20. What you wish to changed in your life.

my freaking TEETH !!!!!!!

People I tagged:
KANAME kuran

short post :)

ahhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
holiday is gonna over .. :'(
i cant stay til midnitex liao..sad..
f.y.i my hols was kaname-licious !! it's awesome ..(maybe NOT )..

Thursday, August 21, 2008

hot hot hot pic (:

kaname kuran !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah yeah yeah !!!!! bloodlust ! :) ..hehe

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

about kaname kuran <3

Kaname Kuran (玖蘭 枢 Kuran Kaname)
A pureblood vampire, Kaname saved Yuki from an attack by another vampire when she was little. He is the class president of the Night Class, much feared and respected by the other Night Class students. While he is cold and authoritative towards his fellows in the Night Class, he is always kind and sweet to Yuki. He has shown that he cares deeply for Yuki, and loves her in a romantic sense. (He allows Zero to live because he knows his death would sadden Yuuki, and because Zero is useful).He is both jealous and angry of Zero for biting Yuki and endangering her life. He has a deep love for Yuuki. They are also engaged, just like Haruka and Juuri, who were married to each other as it is common for pureblood siblings to marry. It is essential to keep the bloodline pure. Also, a fact yet to be revealed to Yuki is that Kaname is not her "true brother". He is actually the ancient ancestor of the Kurans, and Rido is his master who awakened him from his grave, making him unable to kill the man.

Kaname Kuran (玖蘭 枢 Kuran Kanam) Voiced by: Daisuke Kishio
A pureblood vampire who saved Yuki from an attack by another vampire when she was five years old. Kaname is the class president of the Night Class, both feared and respected by the other Night Class students. As a pureblood Kaname is capable of controlling lesser vampires, he chooses not to exercise his powers earning the respect of the noble vampires. He shares the Chairman's hopes for a peace between vampires and humans. He worked with the Chairman to create the Night Class at Cross Academy and with his presence allows the Night Class to be kept in check despite Zero's distrust of him.
Kaname is normally a stoic and authoritive individual, thus his kind and gentle attitude with Yuki has puzzled his fellow vampires. He expresses discontent with Zero for biting Yuki and endangering her life. Kaname tells Zero that he only allows Zero's existence by Yuki's side to ensure her safety and is jealous that he cannot protect her himself.
Kaname kills Shizuka Hiou, despite the fact that killing a pureblood is a terrible taboo. He drinks her blood to gain power and leaves some of her blood to save Zero. Kaname also asked Yuki to become a vampire and live with him for all eternity by his side, but manages to stop himself from biting her. Yuki starts to press Kaname for information about her past and instead Kaname asks Yuki to become his lover. Kaname bites Yuki in order to awaken her as a vampire and fed her his blood in order to revive her memories as a Kuran, she realises Kaname is her brother. However Kaname reveals to Ichijou that he is not Yuuki's brother, but was actually resurrected by Rido Kuran, who thus became his 'master'. Kaname was originally the ancestor of the Kuran family. Juri and Haruka Kuran raised Kaname as Yuki's brother, although Kaname never fully became 'their son'. Yuki and Kaname planned to marry as children, following the example of Juri and Haruka who were also brother and sister and married. At one point, Kaname allowed Zero to drink his blood to stave off insanity, preventing Zero from turning into a Level E for the time being, he does this for Yuki's sake and because Zero may be the only one able to kill Rido.
Kaname planned to take fears for Yuki's life when she refuses to leave the Academy for safety. Following Yuki's kiss, he doesn't give much of a reaction until she refers to him as "Onii-sama" as she used to call him 10 years ago. He then parts with Yuki to fulfill his own task.

vampire knight

p/s erm...i'm sorry for making you felt guilty ... SRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

vampire knight !!!!!!!!

kaname rocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;]

lol......vampire knight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

i L my cousin !!!!!!!!!!!!

saliva coming out from HER mouth ! damn cute/pretty/hot leh !!!!!
awww !!! haley n zoe !!!!!! muakx !!!!!
l0l...cute right ?

a random post here ........
i misses THEM !!!!!!!! well..n my kor haans too la ofcoz.. (:
they'r sooooooooo cute !