Thursday, August 14, 2008

happie bday (:

happie birthday siti qurratu aini (:
sorry , no pics . lolx ?? :]

well , today .. hana bought a PIECE of secret recipe 's cake for siti . gud rite ?lolx :]
during pjk , pn.rohini let us play on ourself ..1st time>.< ..lolz
after pjk , hana decided to give siti a suprise ..but it's spoiled by wengyew ..LOL
i ate rice again...wth , i think i really have to iron my tummy
during moral , ict n b.m. ..i 'm busy spaming joanna's book with reno ..n i write a whole page of reno word ...awesome rite ?????
gtg .
have to watchi vampire knight liao..
btw kor ..why didnt do my tag ? :'(

kaname rocks ! (:
lots of love to..*points above*
ehehehehe .

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