Saturday, August 30, 2008

lols ??

yesterdayy the post bout the camp 1 is kinda cacated coz i 'm tired so..
we played a game , have to stick a rand0m pers0n's name on ur f0rehead ..well.. i 've got ' justin yong' have no idea whos tat ..then ... 'avril lavign' enuf ? :P..
i love funky chicken :3 !!
left , right , left , right ..
(forms a circle)
**let's me see a funky chicken
what's tat u said ?
**i said let's me see a funky chicken
**what's tat u siad ?
**it goes
boom , bap , bap , bap , boom , bap , bap ,bap , b00m..
b00m bap bap bap b00m , bap bap bap , B00m
well...i stay awake till 3a.m. busy chatting lols. so, i woke up at 1p.m. in the afternoon . i would be sleeping later ...but thanks to joanna's morning afternoon call..lols.haha
tired la :D , i'm sleepy but i wanna continue reading twilight ..lolx..
colour the feather one sided black one sided red ..lols ? emo/goth much ? well..tat's me >.<
made a rand0m b00kmark ... i wr0te t0ns 0f rand0m w0rd there..u w0uld be suprise when u saw it ..tehheee...
now..i regret for spending [censored] on keychain.. yeah , i 'm a keychain lover :D

bye babes..
love youuu..and will always do :D:D

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