Thursday, August 7, 2008

tagged by kor :]

er...sry for not doin this tag . [ he tagged me since june ] :[ sry !
well..i 'll do it ! :]

8 Things I'm Passionate About.

>kor kor :]
>hang out
>sleeping..i know i 'm a pig coz i 'm born in pig year mah..cant blame me :]
>day dreaming

8 Things I say Or Do Often
>LOL !!
>hahahahaahahaha ..obviously ..i laugh very often
>typing the keyboard
>seriously , no comment..
>watching movies
>hanging out
>lepak-ing at malls
>looking at the computer screen

8 Thing's I Recently Read
>KH text book coz today got kh exam =_=
>my kasiu life in singapore comment
>my blog 's post
>'hot' mag
>'seventeen ' mag
>'shout' mag

8 Songs I Could Listen To Over and Over
>Basshunter DotA Swedish <3>me n you
>is it you
>bye bye
>5 mins till midnight
>the great escape
>[insert song]
>[insert song 2]

8 Thing's I Learned This Year and Last Year
>Some thing's are not what they seem
>No Music, No life
>No Friends, No life
>love is everything
>Emotions are things you love and hate
>suicide is not everything
>eat LESS

8 People I Tag
>Anyone whos reading this now
>kor again
>People !
>People who are depressed =)

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