Saturday, August 15, 2009

boring lahh#

me is boring.
me want to highlight my hair blue , platinum or .. purple .
me don't know which one is the best ;D
me ish crazy , me knows best .

me wants my addict - greentea or honeylemon (:

me wants to relaxed my hair tomorrow . ( as in straighted it)

me got bored of my hair . wanted to change a new hairstyle ...
but , me don't know which - short , bob , medium-length , extreme-layered etc

alright , too much hair talks .
byeeeeeeeeee :D

Friday, August 14, 2009

date with sann#

hahaha >:D
darned funny lah my title =D

anways , i only got a few pics .. others are with SannSann (:
hanna,amanda,amunni,hueyyi Xtag along T-T
we went to watch G.I.JOE . darned awesome , i tell ya' :D
dam coincidence weih . the person who sat beside me is sansann's old fwenz . Lolxz
after that , we went shoopppinggg~ :D :D :D D

EMO emo emo listens to emo songs x)
bubble tea whom i belanja her x)

bought this shirt in kitchens x)

stay tuned for part2 yeah xD
cuz u know my outing-blogging-post won't be that short 1 :D:D:D:D:D:D


Wednesday, August 12, 2009



boring .
was playing with colours x)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


been eating cheese alot . more often that i drink waters ;D lolx.
why do i always take water to compare ? no-eye-deer :D

anyways ,
we'r friends now ;D
yes .. it's very often like tat..
(referring to below)



I was bored lah kayxz ? DO NOT blame me for fugly drawing :D

anyway ,
new <3>
him (nenene , u cant see ^^)

i 'm dying to do tragus piercing &&&&&& oh ,
greentea jelly :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Emo ? maybe not.

it's ok . i 'll stay strong .
i aren't a lil girl who cries often , anymore.
even if i do , nothing will change .
it's obvious , world is unfair .
i have to face the fact :D
you know ,
u always write this kinda' stuff ...
it makes me sad one lah kayx ?
try to understand my feelings before even type out the friggin' words .
oh well ,
whatever ..
i've finally realize that you aren't my true friend .
true friend wouldn't do this kinda' stuff one .
oh wtv , it's not like i care anyway .


I saw a dream ,
A frightening dream ,
I started looking once again ,
For the warmth that was supposed to be there..

In a night where i am exposed ..
I couldn't find a place to escape to ,
So stay by my side ,
Say you will forever ...
Until you drown out the devils voice ,
So that i wont lose you .

Even if important memories become mistakes
Somehow they still seem beautiful
Even if everything .. becomes a mistake ;
I wouldn't mind, because I'd still have love. (:

Friday, August 7, 2009

(: randomm ;D

Random lolx :D
has being one piece-ing for the whole day (^^)
now = 100 ep .. 400 ep to go :D
sanji-san darn cool x)

just a short update to keep my blog alive =D


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

One piece#

portgas d ace (:

One piece is friggin' awesome , no doubt (:


One piece is teh BEST .. (=
Bleach is awesome as well , because all the zanpaktou Vs shinigami (^.^)

Lol. my life is full of anime x)

crap , i just forgot that exam is next week -.-
&&& i still have Tons of anime on my "watching-list"
lolx :)

PET SOCIETY .. sometimes rocks .. sometimes sucks cuz' always lag & cannot load XD

Monday, August 3, 2009


HAPPIE BIRTHDAY MEEE :D , SAM WORTHINGTON && two of my dad's customer :D :D

we are darn proud been born on 2/8 , k ? *grins*
(my MOST recent picture lah k ? D.O.N.T laugh cuz i didn't edit >:D )

thankxz for wishing me :
Joel tan , Joanna , Zhenwei , William , ZhiZheng , KaSeng Chan , Vincet Tan , Jien Yoong , Lim Jia Wei , Eng Sit Yang , JoJinn , Angel Junsu , Ramli Ali , Carina Chew , Pei Ru Tan , Felix Chee( , HueyYi , Ridhwan Sharaf , Sarah Tan , Ivan , Rachel Tai , Hanna Halid , Eugene Ng , Shamirul & gang , Ahmad ridhwan , Weisim , Kenneth , Aimunni , Huisann Bibi , Judan , Wilson ETC .
sorry lah , lazy type :P hehehe XDXD

those who wishes me thru sms ^^

joel tan - CARMEN ! happy birthday :D sorry , wanted to wish you at 12 ! but Dad scolding me to sleep :-( im sorry ! but have a great birthday ya!:D *POKE*:)

Joanna ash - Oi women , happy birthday ;D HAPPY GROWING OLD :D

Zhenwei - Happy b'day carmen if you'r still awake O:


PICTURE SPAMing below :D
view with your Own Risk ;P

me with glasses :P
HOMG , thx Zhenwei for zhen2 :D he loves to pose with my tissue-cover-lamb2 :D
yesterday's picture after a tired night O:
my cake :P
yesterday de me :D

ZHEN2 wants to suicide O:
last month :D

i still <3<3 sushi , do i ? *grins*
Dinner @ one noodle :D
Shu umera (crap , i forgot my own brush's code)