Friday, August 14, 2009

date with sann#

hahaha >:D
darned funny lah my title =D

anways , i only got a few pics .. others are with SannSann (:
hanna,amanda,amunni,hueyyi Xtag along T-T
we went to watch G.I.JOE . darned awesome , i tell ya' :D
dam coincidence weih . the person who sat beside me is sansann's old fwenz . Lolxz
after that , we went shoopppinggg~ :D :D :D D

EMO emo emo listens to emo songs x)
bubble tea whom i belanja her x)

bought this shirt in kitchens x)

stay tuned for part2 yeah xD
cuz u know my outing-blogging-post won't be that short 1 :D:D:D:D:D:D


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