Monday, August 10, 2009

Emo ? maybe not.

it's ok . i 'll stay strong .
i aren't a lil girl who cries often , anymore.
even if i do , nothing will change .
it's obvious , world is unfair .
i have to face the fact :D
you know ,
u always write this kinda' stuff ...
it makes me sad one lah kayx ?
try to understand my feelings before even type out the friggin' words .
oh well ,
whatever ..
i've finally realize that you aren't my true friend .
true friend wouldn't do this kinda' stuff one .
oh wtv , it's not like i care anyway .


I saw a dream ,
A frightening dream ,
I started looking once again ,
For the warmth that was supposed to be there..

In a night where i am exposed ..
I couldn't find a place to escape to ,
So stay by my side ,
Say you will forever ...
Until you drown out the devils voice ,
So that i wont lose you .

Even if important memories become mistakes
Somehow they still seem beautiful
Even if everything .. becomes a mistake ;
I wouldn't mind, because I'd still have love. (:

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