Thursday, December 31, 2009


thanks for staying late atnight just to cheer me up.


lovelovelove pup (=


hmm.. it left me thinking ..
iono lahs. seems like my dream came true (=
iloveyou santa. i know you do exist :P

my dreams came true .. but i just lost some1's trust :(

view from my place (just kidding) its view from uncle's ;P
a pwetty unglam picture as i was er..sweating ~ hahah (=
dreams came true (=

now , carm ..

no comment#

srsly. i got ntg to say weih.


Monday, December 28, 2009


haha ;D after reading joanne's blog .. i feel like i should blog properly la D:

OR ... i could just copy & paste from hers x)
cuz. jackson & wei jian spamming msn x)

"Oh yeah and then after that Uncle Lawrence came to our table and "entertained" us.. and thennn I asked him whether Gareth and Carmen suit or not.. and then he was like.. im not a matchmaker.. and suddenlyy the word "GJ" popped out from his mouth.. i was like.. har?! wad GJ?! Carmen laughed her arse off. LOL.. damn mou min weih. xD LOL! "

HAHAAHAHA. joanne always like to tease me 1 :( bad mummy la !!


Saturday, December 26, 2009

beer party :D

C a r m ; ~ <3 says:
your fault!

Gareth says:
my fault?
u started it
i asked you whether can
and u said yes
and see what happen
so much fun

..srsly. first time when i saw it , my heart wanted to popout ~ lOL
hahaha. okay, it's dam lame ;P

so yeah, i went to joanne's party last night. it was kinda' fun but awkward in this first place cuz ... 1 table = all guy 1 girl ni . weird . hahaha
after tht , we started to drink beer & alot of fun lah.
gareth dam ghey . yes , he was my drinking patner tht time ;)
he drank 4can including the "beer + tea etc "
i drank like 2can ? beer belly lahs ;(
no picture lah cuz all of them scare of camera 1 T>T

now . jackson & gareth & && joanne is spamming on msn :D byee

Friday, December 25, 2009


i've been gaga-ing over sexylicious food (not mine lahs) .

cuz i bought a bento box ( the 1 u will see in anime very often :P )

was googling crap just now . then suddenly all this pop-out ;P


nope ? D:

okay. honestly.

i still like LURVEE hello kitty , okay ? it's so effin' cute (:
yeah , same with nicccie (:

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute *dies*

lolx. i 've alot of cute heelllllllllllllo kitty pics but they'r too big . so yeahs . next time when i m free ni i upload ;P muahahaha >P

wat's awesome ? let me telll you >D
this is awusum~
yes , im into boyish short hair nao ~ <3>
srsly ah , im sick of seeing girls with their long hair . like srsly . i mean if u'r a hairstylist like mua *perasan* u wouldn't like it ! xD
im into girls tht looks like boy x) - amber <3>
my onii say tht im bisex. actually nolah.. GIRL CRUSH la GIRL CRUSH ;)

yes i will cut my hair hair (:

f(x) Amber

Click to view full size image

amberrrrrrrr ~

okay. booobye now .
fangirling bout amber ? (:

P/S : girls with boyish cut ISN'T lesbian . they'r hawt <3>


H'eartB;eat ~#

my heart only beats for you . (:
merry christmas to my oh-so-little "loyal" readers (: hehe

me posing wit mr.snowman on christmas day (: ^^
this is how my greentea latte looks like..well , for today la X)
so far , these is my pressie . yes , little i know :(
but yeeeeees , my kawaii bento . lookie lookie 1 chibi sized thing ? yes , it's mua love <3

short update ; me tired
tmr still got party summore.

bb XD

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


i know it's fugly . i DID ALOT OF MISTAKES on the words . T>T
rawr. i ish playboy bunny balloon-version . muahahahha >:P
my daily source of greentea latte ~~~~~~ *dies* (:
this is me . yes me . playing with the balloon which im preparing for teh partayy~ ^__^
this is mua loveee~
domou arigatou ~ for giving me this kawaii sweet tht u bought from japan. u know who u are (:
rawr. me wearing santa hat :P muahahahahahaha watashi wa christmas ga suki desu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
weird me trying to force a emo/sad kato milayah 's emotion :D

muahaha. okay , i've been weird-ing ALOT ALOT (:
new blogskin . nice , no ?
haha. anyway ,
happie birthday mum . xoxo

k . gtg. anime screaming nao~ ^^ bb

Monday, December 21, 2009

insane 24935

lolx. random title.
it's 4:06 now & i 'm er..

blogging ?

staring at this




this ?

okay lah. tell the truth now. i m learning how to make kawaii bento ok (: jgn laugh at me XD

so kawaii right ? hehe ^^


went to midvalley & watch avatar <3
great movie .
e38583 , i bought a 25buck mini-sized comb for bravo for his bday pressie but he doesnt like it ;(

and oh , i bought myself a hibari poster .. not to mention..a huge1 . muagahahahaha ^^

Friday, December 18, 2009


i've spend my hols making kawaii stuff - daifuku , pudding , sushi , onigiri , pancakes ETC :D


anyway , i've been GFX-ing alot lately .
my first time k . so dont expect wheyyyy too much ^_______^ haha

i Love My Comp ~
cuz cuz cuz MBLAQ @ idol army is just *dies* haha
MBLAQ 's fans should know


OMO ! one piece movie 10 COMING . OUT ! ZOMG
cant wait ;P



brook .. 's violin . haha
i always listen to it when im sad && surely become as happy as him after tht (:

Onepiece's fan should know ..

kk , ja , ne ?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

addiction #

im deeply in ♥ ♥ ♥ with MAC . but obviously shu umera is awusum too la . heh ^^

Shu Uemura by Tsumori Chisato collection . "Planet Cat" (:
to me the design is like those kawaii tokyo thingy which is soo..etto, love ? roflmao :D

wtf . im staying up til 2.45 n still blogging .. and erm.. pwetty energtic :D
blame Greeentea & Annimee :D
notes to self : Kannagi ep 3 XD

i dont think i would be sleeping any ealier .. probarbly staying up the whole night ,.. i guess .. oh well, im a night person (:

ahh, 20th ... what do i do ? :(

who knows ^_________^

PS : christmas ga suki ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (L)

Monday, December 14, 2009

wrong ; wtf ?

today damn funny.. when i was making daifuku .. i went to spy at onii-chan using comp.
then suddenly i saw some1 tagged me wrongly in a ballet competition or some shit lah.
okay it's hyper funny .

this is how the actual person look like. and she's carmen CHING . roflmao :D
tagged carmen cheang :10 photos <- WTF
i was shocked & laugh til i die when i saw this XD
maybe it's the future me when im alil obese .. lol. i SO evil >:D
"ME" bending down . lolx
me posing shit :D
"my" group pic ! LOL


Sunday, December 13, 2009


nyehehehehe #

i'm gizari bored :(
except for licking a as big as my head lollipop like siaoz.
i think i've gone retarded . cuz i keep making milkshake til all the stuff habis d ^__^ roflmao :D
touhou~~ *fangirl* :D :D

before the blings (:

exit trance ~


Ja , ne ?