Friday, December 25, 2009


i've been gaga-ing over sexylicious food (not mine lahs) .

cuz i bought a bento box ( the 1 u will see in anime very often :P )

was googling crap just now . then suddenly all this pop-out ;P


nope ? D:

okay. honestly.

i still like LURVEE hello kitty , okay ? it's so effin' cute (:
yeah , same with nicccie (:

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute *dies*

lolx. i 've alot of cute heelllllllllllllo kitty pics but they'r too big . so yeahs . next time when i m free ni i upload ;P muahahaha >P

wat's awesome ? let me telll you >D
this is awusum~
yes , im into boyish short hair nao ~ <3>
srsly ah , im sick of seeing girls with their long hair . like srsly . i mean if u'r a hairstylist like mua *perasan* u wouldn't like it ! xD
im into girls tht looks like boy x) - amber <3>
my onii say tht im bisex. actually nolah.. GIRL CRUSH la GIRL CRUSH ;)

yes i will cut my hair hair (:

f(x) Amber

Click to view full size image

amberrrrrrrr ~

okay. booobye now .
fangirling bout amber ? (:

P/S : girls with boyish cut ISN'T lesbian . they'r hawt <3>


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