Saturday, December 12, 2009

my life #

just went i thought i could give up brownies , cakes etc..
my parents took me to BSC .. we just happen to saw "just heavenly bakery shop".. my dad told me it's the best bakery in malaysia cuz most of his rich customer bought their cakes from them .
i couldn't believe it so i 've decided to give it a try - which is the fudge brownies .
HF_Brownies_325.jpg (325×445)
it's was so omgosh heavenly ~ i couldn't believe wat i just tasted.
.. <3

honto ni .. i do not understand why do secret recipe gets all the title when their cakes are just so-so ni .
im not trying to insult or whatever .. but yeah .. once u taste "just heavenly" u'll never go back to secret recipe again.

their omgosh so kawaii cupcakes.
* it's cuter in real life la k (:

tht's all for my drooling moments :D
*takes tissue *

i think im inlove with sugizo <3

stay tuned for my etto .. ..dunno.
just wait n c ^_______^ hehe

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