Friday, December 4, 2009

kya.fangirl :D

it's been a long long long x100 while ever since my last fangirling post :D

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omgee. believe it ornot ? HE IS Pointing at ME :D
yes me. carmen cheang !
wakakakaka ^__________^

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he is so sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy *nosebleed*

anyway, i've been so effing busy these days. working D:
went out with my dears on erm.tuesday (:
will blog bout it soon when i've enough rest (T>T)

A+ baby <3>

bahs. got time to fangirl bout hot guy obviously need to spare some times to fangirl bout girls too la.

001 by you.
omgee :D

026 by you.

FUR COAT!!!!!!

Gorgeous Fur coat i wannnn T_T

027 by you.

i wanna be like her T>T

this is what u call pure sexyness ;D

096 by you.
saving some $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to buy D:
me likes :(


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