Sunday, February 8, 2009


time passed ...
i , me , saya , carmen from a oh-so-lame-chick into a retarded-crap-chick : D

from a retarded-swiming-geek ..
emo ass-hole...

ladybug lover ...not many people knows that i used to LOVE ladybug
to a awesome bleu green lover :D
a noobie camwhorer...
into a problematic chick who takes camwhoring is a MUST everyday o.o
meets awesome friends ...
&& awesome blur case moments..
started to drink .. then get addicted to it..
used to perform on this stage everyday ...
favorite place to pratices dancing .. although i always kena marah from cikgu..
& now .. it's an history .. i cant dance there nomore .. cuz' im not longer in that school :(
sometimes .. i get abit too dramatic , sensitive..
but it's arent stopping me from being a camwhorer
friends are my everything ..
although sometimes we cat-fight .. bitch-fight .. hating each others
yet still .. my friends rocks :D :D
i dance . i headbanged . i rock


deal with it , b .
u wouldnt want to face the fact that you suck , dammit :P

haha. whos the b ? idk , seriously .
anyways , others picture gonna upload it on my second post :D :D

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