Sunday, February 1, 2009

sick like hell :/

once i wokeup .. i couldnt speak ..

everytime i tryed to talk , my throat 's burning

i've to eat more than 10 biji of pills that's bigger than eyeballs :S

followed by HIGH FEVER , FLU , COUGH etc etc.
i was suffering .. seriously suffering .
it feels like im dying

couldnt talk , hardly even can move & cant friggin breath (flu mah)

went to hospital & shit . the doctor gave me more medicine to eat :S :S

ALL SO HUGE 1 . cannot telan lahh

after that , weisim called
since i couldnt talk , she asked me to press 1 time if the answer is YES , 2 time is NO ..
it's darn funn :D :D

alright , im cured now (well sorta)
haven done my homework yet cuz' yesterday was a terrible day for me


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