Friday, February 13, 2009

phone rosak

worst day of my life .

firstly ; comp rosak (hard disk prob)
second ; phone rosak.

can they get any worse ?

my parents 's gonna kill me ;'(
they even might banned me from phone again.
why so bad luck one arh ?

pn.prema taught us how to make roses *so sweet la the roses*
currently loving mine ;)

why do i feel like stabbing the virus sender ?
nola .
but dont be suprise if tomorrow you found him dead ..
it's a joke.

ELLY !!!!!!!! where 'r you ?
heh . *winks* big bang

u know what i realize ?
i realize that we used to be great friends before you met (censored)
you used to mention my name in your blog very often ..
and now .. you dont even bother to camwhore with me anymore .
you only come to talk to me when (censored) is not around..
you dont even bother to go hangout with me not even once.
you even skipped my party, how awesome is that ?
since you like to do stuff like that .. dont mind me if i do it too ;D
you used to hurt me by writing those mean words.. (that even cause me a suicide attempt)
but seriously .. sometimes i feel like fading away..
from this world without belas kasih ...
human is so complicated .

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