Thursday, July 2, 2009

die lorh#

firstly . before all those oh-so-SAD post. let's start with a happie one first.

mui will always love you . xoxo
LV bags , killer heels , smex sunglasses best defines you .
oh , she's the hauttest one in the pic (:

and amanda,
will get your pwesent soon.
patient yea ? ;D

tomorrow , a.k.a friday the 3th is when our parents come & take report card.
and i think mui parents is gonna' screw me upside down ):
because i really did REALLY REALLY badly on this bloody semester .
i promise i'll work harder x10000 on the following exam , alright ?
so don't "shot-gun" me first . Pweasee

sorry lorh
to be honest , there's something i would like to confess.....
u know when i study hard like really hard then my result would turned bad.
BUT when i don't bother bout exam , my result masih bole tahan..
i wonder why...
the more i want the thing , the harder i could get it .
sighh, maybe it's my destinyy .
oh well , wish me luck tomorrow .
hoping pn.hazura won't talk bad about me ._.

dear parents ,
hope you understand this . wait, but maybe you don't.
i know my result are really really sucky . but could you gimme a chance ?
as you say , human are given a second chance ... so i do , right ?
so pwease understand , thankyou very mucie

I promise i'll study hard , K ?

oh , btw.
there's a like a "mat saleh" student exchange today.
stayed for A DAY only according to darren ._.
wait , why did i mention bout him ? =.=""

anyway ,


by C.A.R.M

&& i srsly still dono whether should i get that ?
comment are needed

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