Friday, July 10, 2009


testing .. testing .. testing ..
because i couldn't see my own picture T-T

anyone can see the latest post's picture ?
i mean the latest besides this post ;P


"for every time somebody wishes someone were dead, that person suffers sleep paralysis".[konon-nya lah]

have you ever feel it before ?
yes , i felt it before . it was sooo creepy D:
i thought i was going to die ._.

got it from the forums .
"i get it every couple of months....i hate it. my boyfriend told me that koreans say it's a ghost sitting on you, which really freaked me out. And then (true story apparently) a girl i know has a friend in korea who was sleeped paralyzed and when she opened her eyes there was a demon lying beside her with it's face like RIGHT up in her face. she wasn't/isn't christian but heard that saying the lord's prayer makes them go away, but since she wasn't christian it didn't work and the ghost started mocking her and saying it back to her. and then she passed out and when she woke up it was gone."

"I've had it before except there was dark shadowlike creature that walks over to me and sits on my chest.
Scary stuff. I guess the next time you experience it, just gradually try to move a body part until you're fully awake and aware."

"That happened to me like a few days ago, and omfg it was hella scary. I was staring outside my window seeing shadows and I wanted to get up but I couldn't. And like about 5 minutes later I was able to get up. It was a freaky moment."

i've experienced sleep paralysis for 2 weeks during and after my school exams. it was so scary i sometimes too scared to go to sleep. there's this arm that appears and suffocates me putting their hand on my chest and everytime I attempt to get up, the arm appears again ><>

"I heard that you can't move because there's a ghost in the room with you holding you down. 0.0 Sorry to freak anyone out. It's starting to freak me outttt."

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