Tuesday, July 28, 2009


no picture YET D:

okay lah . im too bored . decided not to wait ;D


will Do ringkaskan . as it's really too much to type ^^

i was bathing when hanna call me , because she reached there already.
blablabla. apparently, huisann was the late-est 1 :D :D ehehe
anyway , we do project , type some word then camwhore x10
after that , we started to do some smexy move ^.^ haha
we were starving so we went to the nerby stall to makan , the rice was superb-spicy :O
blablabla. after everyone went home except me , hueyyi & muni.. we started being REALLY rajin . after a few hours of rajin-ness , we finally done(sortof) the proj ;D
hueyyi wanted to go toilet , so i teman-ed her . was darn scary inside the toilet :O
we run out like mad , apparently .. everything just look alike . it's like maze . scaryy.
then we tell each other's Ghost stories :P

sorry for the real broken-eng ;D
was rushing .

sighh. why you have to be like that ?
it's alright , im the one who should forget bout' you cuz' you really suck (:
*refreshed mind*

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