Wednesday, September 30, 2009

to the one i love ......

prepare to ....................... DIE .

opps. gomen , anime mood ^^

oh well , didnt feel any earthquake or watever crap ... all i know is bravo is acting quite weird ... hm.
he seems like he's trying to talk to me in woof language but obviously i dont understand lolx

so yeah , end of the world X)
hm. wat would happen ?

u know wat ? i think i should eat all i can >:D before i die lolx.
ditch my "diet" , i should ! X) lol . i want to die with no regret... as in .. eaten the best steak *drools* .. etc *thinks bout pasta* lol

Love doesn't concern me at all well atleast now .
:D gomen.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


hm. let's see.
i'm always bored .... and every single time i'm bored i camwhore :D
so yeah , too many picture to upload but lazyyy X)
gained back my anime mood .. so yeah ,

Lavi Pictures, Images and Photos
LAVI (: *screams* *dies* *faints* *melts* lolx. fangirling . gomen >< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
bluekxz :P my fav pose now XDXDXD

urgh . im dying to buy a micro-short shorts XD not to mention in haute pink colour X)

p/s : the emoticon is friggin annoying . disturb my eyes when i want to blog ... but erm. it's cute ><

*@#$*@#**# . so sexy . *drools*


p p /s : Jimmy choo's shoes are = WIN . but expensive :/

Monday, September 28, 2009


hm. let's see.
wokeup at 6+ , waiting for my phone alarm to ring opps.i meant sing LOL .

HEH , sorry for being a poser . actually wanted to post this picture up before schoolopen but no time. anyway, i know i looks ghey .. but this is my blog so shutup bitches .

anyway ,school is boring as usual.


plus finals are nearly the corner ... which means ...:D" im screwed lol

urgh. :D no mood to blog d .

found some ghey stuff while surfing the net ..
srsly . gosh , i friggin' hate robert.p . he looks like ..urgh..{no offense rb's fans}

EW. gross.



Friday, September 25, 2009


happy belated birthday rachel tai ! ^^

she's damned pweettyyyyy hor ? *winks*

have a blast . bye ^^

Thursday, September 24, 2009


erms , let's see ....
hols are erm. oh well , pwetty awesome
watched g-force with family x) some how it reminds me of my guineapig .. leo & teddy .. I.miss.u :(


sorry for not blogging for afew days . been editing a skin for the whole week x)
oh yeah , watching shakugan no shana & d.gray men & pandora hearts & FMA brother hood now .
so yeah , my hols is full with anime-fied =D

ah , there's tons of picture which i would like to upload but anime is calling. ^^
LAVI = <3

Saturday, September 19, 2009

sexy bitch. meow

"Under all of your smiles and happiness, you're actually a very upset person. It might be because of something in the past or a reason you aren't sure... of. When you're alone too long it makes you think that others don't care. You haven't found true happiness yet, though you may have and all of the stresses of life are bringing you down."

sexy bitch.
Cheshired Cat.


Thursday, September 17, 2009


heh :D
im back from the 'oh-i-wanna-suicide-mood'

yes , me ish hyper back liao xD
thankyou brook a.k.a A skeleton whos play le violin like a pro x)

eh ? i thought im not suppouse to emo ?
Carm , you watch out ! >:D
{oh man , i really should stop talking to myself}

anyway, today i kena marah kao kao.
shouldn't have came to school >_>
Chinese teacher scold me kao kao.
puan gan scold me bout' my hair kao kao.

"you see.. carmen 's hair is the party type , not study type"
"you see hanna 's hair is le perfecto !"

Happiness is a thing to be practiced, like the violin.-John Lubbock

I am not handsome, but when women hear me play, they come crawling to my feet.- niccolo paganini .

Monday, September 14, 2009


now i thinks that emoing is good.

emo emo emo.
i like to be.
emo is good,
nobody will care what you do.
i'm sick of pretending ..
Accept me and i will stop lying . :)

your boyfriend left you .
your parents hate you.
your friends lie to you .
so what ?
no one cares.
the world sucks.

but this will cheer you up.

Don't cry for someone who won't cry for you.


bluekxz ;P
belly piercing ; can't wait.
tragus piercing ; can't wait.
much of pain ?
"no pain no gain"

found this in piercing fb group.
it's friggin' nice & sexy alright ?
XDXDXD omgosh . so sexy .
DAM , now i feel like doing it =.=


Sunday, September 13, 2009

im gonna say ..

after the "oh-so-full-dinner"
i went down to walk for awhile .. you know , release stress .
you said i 'm forcing you to say things you dont want to . oh , just a friendly reminder , I DIDNT .
i didnt , alright ?
and now every fucking person thinks "oh, carm is such a biatch" , "she sucks" , " go to hell" , " i wish she doesn't exist" etc etc
& i'm gonna say watthefuck did i do wrong ?
all i did is just granted a wish of a friend of mine ... & ta-daa , i've turned to the baddass human .
you guys very happy huh ? oh well , i bet you are .

is it against the law ? i dont think so .

i wasted soooooooo much time on it.
writing so many meaningful words .. it's all truly wat i wanna say , u know ?
all i wish is you to be happy ...... & now u'r blaming it on me .

i 've said so many times of "sorry" ... so much til i could sing sorry sorry by suju ..
you replied with a " it's alright " but i know what's hidden in your heart is .. "u think im gonna forgive you just like this after lying to me ?"

sighh .........
tears are dripping down ......
noOne ever bother what's hidden under my fucking fake smile .
all you guys do is blaming me after what i did.

oh well , blame all you want .

sorry for so much "f"

Friday, September 11, 2009

god knows #

( ゚∀゚)彡


haha . no idea why i do that for , dont ask .

yeer , my life is oh'so boring
( ̄□ ̄;)

YAY ! im so gonna save $$$ for my gel liner
('∀'●) hahax . it's terlalu awesome d . roflmao

(≧▼≦) i know i looks weird ... but i like the effect . +。(*′∇`)。+゜ no i didnt edit's the sun lighting thingy ;D


Thursday, September 10, 2009


emo ? maybe not (:

good news is .... i'm over it . XDXDXD

haha ..... i think it's a good thing right ? x)

yeah , it is .

boring laaaaa~
don't know what to do here

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


let me update bout' today when there's picture alright ?
cuz' it will look nicer that way x)



how to start huh ?
i've lotxz of prob , but no one to talk to. Wish you were here , but the truth is .. you don't even want to be beside me ..
family prob ..
dropping grades ..
depression ...
unspeakable truth ..
alot of things hidden under me ..
u think my "all-the-time-happy" is real ? hah.
well , i 've to admit im damn good at acting .
i know lah , you people would say " u sad or depressed , no1 care" , BUT this is my blog , i can write wutever i want .
when i 'm sad , wish you would be the first 1 to ask me ... " u alright ? need a hug ?" or some sort lah .
okay . watever , i shall cut the "you" away or else i would be more depressed :/

anyway ,
lolxz. suprisingly , i have no idea what to write after cutting away the "you"..

when you'r sad & you show your emotions = okay lah . can release sadness mah
when you'r sad but force to fake smile = go back home , hide inside yr room , and start crying (oh well , that's what i do)


LOLxz. i have this really weird thingy ..
i easily forgot when i emo/sad ... as in forgot bout the emo/sad x)
you see , i hyper back again XDXD
Hahahaxz ;D

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

picture day#

blue tongue =D
pwetty ornot ? ;D
thankxz san's mom for sushi lunch xD
camwhore =D


for some reason i looks fat O_O but ugh, whatever ... xD

hueyyi likexz her bearbear or not wor ? XD

k lah . lazy to upload to blogger .
for more go to ...
my "muka-buku" album or sann's xD

today is like the worst day ever ._.
pn.loh rampas gene's & my geografi book cuz i do hw during her period ....
And wat's the worst part ??????????????????????????????????



sorry la eugene , your 3 geografi book ( all the hardwork) kena rampas cuz of me .
deng , i feel guilty . oh well , tmr me will beg again x)

Sunday, September 6, 2009


hahaxz =D

im so friggin' tired after preparing for YIYI 's birthday suprise ;D
we bought a huge bearbear give her ... oh & a extremely romantic card OH OH OH & cupcakes =D (not to mention blue) lolxz.

while half-awake-surfing-the-net (haha , yes , i retard)  ......
i saw something holy crap sexy *drools*  :P bluekxz...

sexy no ? :(
but it's  100+
no $$$ to buy as im saving for my chanel wallet x)

shoes-hunting now =D

“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.” - Gore Vidal.

Friday, September 4, 2009

paiseh day#

last minute , i decided to go singk with gang xD
and Yeah , we ALL didnt bring clothes to change .......
SO , we had to run here and there to find Cheap clothes to buy :P
i darn friggin' regret to buy that lilzx miss sunshine tee lah :(
anyway ,
we couldn't find any cheaps shorts/pants =.=
minimun 30buck weih (=.=)
Lolxz , and you know ......

{ do tell me that you couldn't view/see/tengok teh image above}
everyone was staring at us  :(
oh well , K wasn't as high as that day tho .
hmmm x)
looking forward to tmr x)
*hoping that i could find a reasonable excuse to make my mom fetch me there to Oneutama alone*
yes , unlike all of you *envy* *envy* my mom is strict lolxz :D
p/s ; i told her i wanted to go sann's house to do project :(
waa~ i wanna die izit ? :/
haihyor ,
my brain bursted liao lah .
wait , or maybe i can...go sann's house first D:
1) how to convict mom to let me sleepover ?
2) how to find excuse to go oneutama ?
3) how to convict mom to gimme some $$$ XD ?

Thursday, September 3, 2009



she's a real hauttie (:
kayxz. happie birthday hueyyi , have a blast , bi x)

aiyoor , actually i want to post a Uberr emo post 1 ... but then , i'm not in the mood to emo-ing x)

let's see .
i wanna change my link to ..
COMMENTO ? pwease O ( ^___^ ) O

damn sad weih ,
that day i went to BR wanted to eat greentea ice cream.......


habis d (=.=)
sighh :) haha.

P/S ; forever is over ;)