Tuesday, September 29, 2009


hm. let's see.
i'm always bored .... and every single time i'm bored i camwhore :D
so yeah , too many picture to upload but lazyyy X)
gained back my anime mood .. so yeah ,

Lavi Pictures, Images and Photos
LAVI (: *screams* *dies* *faints* *melts* lolx. fangirling . gomen >< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEizfVa6DRBLSOfB6bJo6P4qnGAOaJndAqhpumHm_OlR7NwEyTlkuJETzpH5j9ExTPpnG4NWFQc4z59uD0uAj8uwZl-Fbx_WAo2IlyeLBTHL08VlkpA77B9f1GD4GRPStStgMRgegzCLkJdB/s1600-h/camwhoreee+045-1.jpg">
bluekxz :P my fav pose now XDXDXD

urgh . im dying to buy a micro-short shorts XD not to mention in haute pink colour X)

p/s : the emoticon is friggin annoying . disturb my eyes when i want to blog ... but erm. it's cute ><

*@#$*@#**# . so sexy . *drools*


p p /s : Jimmy choo's shoes are = WIN . but expensive :/

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