Thursday, July 31, 2008

HYPER dayy :D

well..todayy is 1th august ..HAPPPIE AUGUST !!
during sejarah , cik moganan changed our place liao .SOB SOB cannot talk to joanna n weisim when teacher is teaching ..HAHA :D

carmen n hana : yeeerr ,,yeerrr..yeerrrr ...[keep making the annoying sound]
cok moganan : why keep making tat sound ??
carmen : i wanna weisim to sit here ! pLS ?
hana : yup :]
cik moganan : then it's not fair for the SHORT student lor..
carmen : FAIR LA FAIR LA
cik moganan : pls respect my FINAL decision !!
carmen : yeer r rrrrrr ...[keep making tat sound]
HAHAH... me so naughty kan ?? :]
then kh , cik chong took us to the 'place-tat-got-tons-of-plant' ..she called us to find the 'rumput liar' n throw it away ..well.. I DID !! awesome kan ? hehe ..
i found a 'leaf-tat-smells-like-kari' ..n i pluck 7 of them n keep it into my pocket ..
cik chong : hey hey hey ...wat u'r holding ? wat u took from there ??
carmen : NTG [ stuffed the leaf into my pocket ] ..
well..after school , me n joanna was thinking wat to buy for [censored]..haha..then..
joanna : hmmm...wat to buy for [censored] for her bday present ar ?
carmen : hmm..i 'm gonna buy a box n fill it with random item ..hehe
joanna : wat random item ?
carmen : PADS ! ! kotex ! haha
joanna : haha ..yup ...give her the pad tat ' digunakan' ady 1 ..
carmen : haha..yup..then label kan ! each plastik bag got name on it 1 ..
joanna : hahaaa ..yup..give her big , medium , small ..
carmen : haha ..with 'RED' on it ..
joanna : soaked 1 !!
carmen : ahahaha..then u can found a 'lalat' there 1..
joanna : n got smell 1 ..
carmen :hahahaaaa..yup
joanna : when she recieved the box , she will though it's chocolate inside ..but she tak tau..inside got 'RED' chocolate !
carmen : hahahahaha ..yup ..
joanna laugh like siaoz *
carmen laugh like siaoz *
siti : yeeeer's sooo gross !
everyone laugh !

tmr is carmen's bday liao !! >.<
dont worry i 'll stay AWAKE till ME THROUGH SMS LA .. hehe

carmen 's extremely hypeer coz tmr is her 13 th bday liao ...YEPEEEE !
anyone wanna celebrate with me ? haha

lazyyy ~

dont blame me for not post bout todaayy kayz ??
wanna more details ? go nicky nic's blog

chiaoz ~

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

tag !!!!!!!!! (:

Name : CHeang carmen :] p.s. we 'r the CHEANg's family

Sisters : CHeang sweetie :]

Brothers : CHeang william :]

Shoe size: 5 or 6 ..depends lor

Height : 165 something ..tall right for a f1 girl ? perasan :]

Where do you live : earth/here/d'sara perdana :]

Favourite Drinks : BUBBLE TEA / COFFEE / MY SALIVA ?

Have you ever been on a plane : DUHHH~

Swam in the ocean : i guess so..forgot liao..(:

Fallen asleep in school : DUHH~

Broken someone's heart : yeahh ;/

Fell off your chair : N.O.P.E !!

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Y.E.A.P..

Saved e-mails : yea.. :]

What is your room looks like : 1 word ..M-E-S-S-Y !!

What is the last thing you ate : kari mee ??

Ever had Chicken pox : yup..passed by my lilz sis ! :/

Sore throat : Who hasn't gotten a sore throat before?! haha

Stitches : Nope.

What's right beside you : AIR ??

Do you believe in love at first sight : hell yea !!!

Like picnics :YEA !!

Who was the last person you danced with : there's some1 called H-U-M-A-N

Last made you smile : censored !!!

Today did you talk to someone you like : DUHH~ ahhahaha (;

Do you eat healthy : does JUNK food counted ? hhaahaha.

Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you : ALWAYS !! i repeat A-L-W-A-Y-S !

Are you loud or quiet most of the time : LOUD !!!!

Are you confident : yup...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago :
- crying~
- eating~
- Sleeping~
- Playing~
- pee-ing ? haha

5 things on my to-do list today :
- STUDY !!
- EAT !!
- PEE !!
5 snacks I enjoy :
- Ice-cream <3
- chocolate ? <3
- Lollipops ..<33
- cotton candy <3
- cupcakes <3

5 thing I would do if I were a billionaire :
- SHOP !

5 of my bad habits :
- i 'm extremely BLUR :/
- I'm extremely clumsy ! ;/
- I gossip. But then again, everyone does. hehe
- I leave stuff till the very last minute....stuff=homeworks ! hehe
- i shop ALOT !! haha
5 people to tag :
- nicky nic
- regine reg
- amber ber
- joanna jo
- angelinne angie :]

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


sweet kan ??? awwwww~ i sangat suka this picture larrr..:] ..
ok ok ok ..i 'll CUT the crap .. :] during geografi i was paying attention busy triming my fur it's SMALLER , cuter n got WINGS liao ...wanna know how cute ? u can ask joanna ..boleh kan ? :] ..hehez
during math [ 2 periods ] i was busy doin hw sleeping , thx god pn.sow tak tahu .pheww~
n ...after school , there's a violent scenes in my bus , wanna know wat happen to the poor lilz boy ? look below now !!
[insertname] sat on [poor lilz boy] 's head ..well..the lilz boy was screamin his lung out [ so fcking pAIN]
[insertname] hit [poor lilz boy ] ..HE CRIED !
[insertname] forced him to do gay stuff ! i mean GAY [ homo ] ..
[insertname] uses a kayu hit him .. well..ofcause..HE CRIED !
[insertname] took all the red ant n put it INTO his 's clothes ..[pain]
[insertname] called him to call [insertname] a master ..
.. urgh..i donwan to rmb the VIOLENT scenes..wanna know more info ? ask joanna .. :]

fyi..the [ insertname ] currently studying in smkbu4 , in 2 ******* ...
n ..he's a MASTER , S*X GEEK .okok..enough for todayy.. :]
n i tak boleh percaya tat ....ahh..NVM


tmr u guy [ the person whos not MACHING ] what u'r gonna wear ? full-uniform or school uniform ? pls answer my question ! >.<
n ..erm...sry for all the bad word ..>.<
i apologize :]

i got my krs t-shirt liao..
it's soooooooooooooo cuteee ! >.<

blur-ing :D

o.o ..
after readin human's blog , i only noticed tat pengetua cried i being EXTREMELY blur again ? hehehz :D
shit.. .shit.... tmr i got oral test [b.m.] ..i sooo nervous la...*heart beat extremely FASTTT~*
CIK puan noraini pregnent ady meh ? it's soo obvious tat i 'm extremely BLURR ! :D
...waitt..waiitt ..did u mention tat puan noraini IS pregnent ??? means...she 'll be absence for few months ?? HOOOORAAYYY ~ gonna celebrate it :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D SMILE ~

n... i just spends 2 hours sewing tat thingy [ if u 'r f1 , u will know wat's tat :D] ..n it's DONE ..
tmr i 'll upload the pic of my 'masterpiece' kayz ??
guess wat ?..i just ate homemake chocolate [ made by ME :P]'s to amanda's recipe ! ..hehez :D

tmr should i stayed back go ou to tengok wayang ????? then then then..walked back AGAIN ! ^^ i started loving walkin back ....i know wat u 'r gonna say .. carmen is insane rite ??? hehe

shit la...the oral test is making me nervous..SHIT SHIT SHIT ...!!!!!

she 's extremely nervous , blur n HIGH ! :D

ohh S*it !!

ahhhh ! [ can i shout ? ] hehe

!!!!!! >.<

guess wat ?????????? everyone 's busy freakin studying their ass off ..
n ..they cant attend my bday outing ! SHIT RITE ?
so macam mana ?
a- wtv la..celebrate ur bday ALONE

b- begged them to go with u la

c- after exam only go la

d- tak payah celebrate la..

so how wor ???? i 'm soo confused rite noww ..
anyone wanna celebrate with me ? [ smile with teeth ] : ]

anyone ? anyone ? anyone ?

Monday, July 28, 2008


i were limping the whole dayy cuz my legs hurt !
n kor kor .. i didnt know u care bout me 1 .hehe..i was wrong ! :]
guess wat ? i felt down in the toilet !!! tat 's sooo freakin paiseh man !! n i shouted 'WTFFFF' when i felt ..hehez..
my freakin back , hand n leg hurt ! @$#$#%$#%&*%%$#@%&%%# !!!
wtf did i do to deserve this ????? <=/

fcking exam is next week..then my fcking bday is this saturday..wrong timing la..seriously.haih~
i begged u ppl ..pls come to my bday outing...SOB*
i felt so fcking boring if i celebrate my bday alone....
ahhhhh..pls larrrrrr......can ? can ? can ryte ?????

wanna know why i hate my bday ??
cuz it's on the exam week..
exam week wat ? o.o
ppl 's busy studying their ass off la..>.<
so ??
then no1 will hadir my bday celebration laa

now u guy understand how mad i am ???

Saturday, July 26, 2008


saw this ? i tak datang ..
why ?
the picture have to thanks nicky nic...
sry for my UGLY drawing..heheee


seeing nic & censored couple up..i felt happy for them ..

Friday, July 25, 2008

well .. as you can see , i change my blog layout ady .
lol , this 1 better or the Black 1 ? ô_ô
i changed my layout cuz.. i 'm SICK of Black..but i still <3>this 1 okie tak ?
i hate suka this layout larr...ommgod..i 'm addicted to it >.<'

----------------currently listenin to [cassie-me n you]----------------------

tmr i mau tak mau pergi ke sekolah ?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

book free day :D

today was awesome man ..
pn.moganan , pn.liew n cik noraini tak datang ...
first period pn.liew tak datang so...we were readin book quietly
we were busy conteng-ing my book ..KESIAN MY BOOK ! :]
second period pn.moganan tak datang so..we continue conteng ^^ ..LOL
third period was PJK's just LAME !..Lol..
recess ...i drop my 1bucks ! >.<
after recess was moral..guess wat ? >.< cikgu tak datang ^^ WEE~
..i wonder why time passed soo fast todayy ar ?? ..LOL
n..ohya...i lepas geram on my book...wanna know how stress am i ? ask JOANNA ..
after school was fiNE ......but..
when i was walkin back..i wanna cross the goddamn road rite ??? ..i was running my ass off to cross..but too bad , there's 1 car speed i have to wait for another time to pass..>.< are GAY !!! no offense !! >.< .. saturday i wanna come donwan to come larhh...
i got lots of stuff to shop 1 lar ..(: ..Pls mummy ? [give the kesian looks] ..LOL

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

weird ?o.O damn weird ..HAHAHAHAz..;]

after school..when i was talkin to joanna , i saw a 'quicksilver' lorry passed i ..
[ carmen trying to grab all the stuff inside the lorry ]
....keep grabbin....then we saw the dude in the lorry waves to ME ..LOLZ..
he so perasan man !!!!

sry for the quick post ..^^

Monday, July 21, 2008

tired ~

well..i went down and wait for cik din as usual ..guess wat ? i waited till 7.00 ..and she/he belum come yet !..then my mum forced me to walk to school ...tired like siaoz man.
and guess wat ? hana , amanda and joanna tak datang ...WTH man ..they leave me alone ..SOB
today is a boring day ..HAIH ~


Saturday, July 19, 2008

yesterdayyy :D

...well..joanna came over bout 9 cuz she have to finish her KUMON ..>.<..LOL..then i went down to pick her up , we stop by at rainbow mart to grab some food..she ate 2 mihun, and i drank apple juice for breakfast ..lawt!:D..
hmm..ohya..then nic arrived at 9.30..i went down and pick her up as usual ..well..the sky is kinda dark and joanna felt some drops of water .LAWT ! thx god it's not raining ..PHEW ~
while waiting for reg , we went to the toilet to fill the water ballon ..u can hear me sayin 'WTF'..lolz.
well i lazy to type soo..let the pic talk :D ..
me , reg , nic ....matchin shirt colour ??
US....i look weird !
nic , reg testin the water be4 goin down..LAWT :]
nic , reg tanning :]
nic 's a hottie !
us ~
nic . reg
u jump , i jump ..XP
nic wif water ballon [ look at her shirt , got pattern 1 ]
water ballon and my 'tong' LAWT!
me , nic , reg [ look at our nose]
emo/die .....and reg is smilin :D

Friday, July 18, 2008


i dono why , and don ask me why i blog bout this .but still ....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRYAN TEO ! ...hmm.. i know u for 4 years liao....and u were a golf champion for puay chai ..and yea..i rmb how u guys tease me ! Xp.. dance arent BAD ! stop ejek-ing me bout my dance again. >.<
hell , i hate everything bout u include YOU ..but why am i gonna continue this freakin Post ?? no idea..>.<
ohh..and..i rmb how GAY u r in old school ..when clidren day , i rmb u spray ur hair RED ! hahaha..damn funny whey , i should have capture a pix of it . too bad i didnt ..
and i should have called pn.tan to celebrate with you [ inside joke].>.<

well ..i have ntg much to type de..soo..ciaoz !

Thursday, July 17, 2008


while we were talkin , weisim a.k.a amanda wrote this for me ,
to :carmen
from : weisim
for ur emoness=_=
black eye liners ,
black eye shadows ,
black nail polish ,
black lipsticks ,
the colour in you doesn't match ,
for the heat of the sun attracts to it ,
and the devils spirits confronted it ,
for all these incoming you ,
always smile to make a new life in you ,
let the light wash all your pain away ,
and have a happy life all the way...

omg..damn touching whey !!!!!!!!!

then i wrote this .:.
maybe i shouldnt be emo ,
maybe cuz i love elmo ,
so i try to be emo ,
for elmo to be emo !

weee~ it's LAME !

Xp i 'm being retard ! i wrote ' hello , hi , peace' in my book then shows everyone LAME !!!!!!!!

n today i tumpah my mee,mihun,kari ...AHHHH..



I'm often silent when I am screaming inside.
some ppl try to understand me , but they wont understand how it's feel like living in the darkness .
what's the points of screaming ? no1 listening anyway ?
my scares have the power to reminds me bout the past tat it's real.
Sometimes it hurts more to smile in front of everyone, then to cry all alone.
the pain is there to remind me tat i 'm still alive , have to keep trying to escape from the darkness.
it's funny when u can get use to the pain n tears .
You say I'm always happy, and that I'm good at what I do, but what you'll never realize is, I'm damn gud at acting too.:]
I don't know wat I want in life. I don't know what I want right now. All I know is that I'm hurting so much inside that it's eating me, and one day, there won't be any of me left .
You look at me and think, 'she's so happy' but there's so much behind this little smile that you will never know.
sometimes i wish i were laying on the bed at night , then wake up in the emergency room and hear the doctor said ' sry , she cant make it '.
I cry then I cut, then I cry again, it never ends , only u can stop it .
scares are pretty tattoo and with pretty stories.

Let the blood run down my arms and try to tell me everything's okay .

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

SICK !!!!!

today i didnt go to school cuz i 'm SICK ! i should have go ...must be lots of fun today during PJK...but i 'm tooo tired of pretending tat my LUKA not pls don blame me ar..SOB !! urgh 's me n joanna 's perasan day ..too bad i didnt go to school ..SOB SOB !
i wonder watcha they doin now ??? gossip-ing bout me ?? blame-ing everything to me ? or maybe ..emo-ing ??? we wont know wat will happen tmr , next second , nest mins or maybe next hours
..i felt so sad after reading ur p.m. ..but atleast u let me know i wont hope it will happen AGAIN .n amanda ur 10 bucks ..tmr i 'll give u ..>.<
PEACE !! i hope u wont blame everything to me todayy ,cuz i 'm not there to arguin with u .>.<
ANYONE CAN HELP ??? i 'm sooo bored here...urgh..i should go to school lar....regret !!!!!!
everytime i looks at you , u dont give a damn. u just act like i ' m invisible .. i dont run away from you , i walk away slowly n it's HURT cuz u never bother to stop me ..i stared at you n hoping tat u 'll stare back , but u didnt ..Every night i talk to the stars pretending its you.. it acts just like you tho.. far away and never replies to my questions . I cry for the time that you were almost mine, I cry for the memories I've left behind, I cry for the pain, the lost, the old the new, I cry for the times I thought I had you . Not all scars show, not all wounds heal Sometimes you can't always see the pain someone feels . i always pretends that u were beside me when i 'm in pain . i always pretends that u were watching me .

You never know what you have until you lose it, and once you lose it, you can never get it back.

My heart was taken by you... broken by you... and now it is in pieces because of you.

Love is like falling down... in the end you're left hurt, scarred, and with a memory of it forever.

You're the one who broke my heart, you're the reason my world fell apart, you're the one who made me cry, yet I'm still in love with you and I don't know why.

A million words would not bring you back, I know because I've tried, neither would a million tears, I know I've cried.

Wanting him is hard to forget, loving him is hard to regret, losing him is hard to accept, but even with all the hurt I've felt, letting go is the most painful yet.

Sometimes the memories are worth the pain.

Sometime you just have to hold your head up high, blink away the tears and say good-bye.

For a few minutes you made me feel as though I actually meant something to someone.

We are afraid to care to much, for fear that the other person does not care at all.

People think it is holding on that makes you stronger, but sometimes it's letting go.

I made a choice to finally let go, because I can't stand the pain, it's time for my last tear to fall and smile again.

I cried today... not because I miss you... or even wanted you... but because I realized I'm gonna be all right without you.

I wish he meant it when he kissed me cause then I could look back and see someone who loved me but I can only go back and see someone who used me.

You always say you hate to see me hurt, and you hate to see me cry. So all those times that you hurt me, did you close your eyes?

Sad isn't it? How no matter what you do or say to me... when you come running back... when you need me again... I'll be here... right here waiting for you, I'll take you back... no questions asked. Sad isn't it?

So... from now on... when you think of me... just remember that I could've been the best thing you ever had.

Why did I break up with him? Well ,it's like, once I sat down and looked at the situation, all the pieces lying on the floor, it just wasn't a puzzle anymore. None of the pieces fit together. And even if I tried really hard, the pieces, well they were two different puzzles. That's why I did it, he needs to understand that.

You hurt me more then I deserve, how can you be so cruel? I love you more then you deserve, why am I such a fool?

You asked me what was wrong, I smiled and said nothing, when you turned around and a tear came down and I whispered to myself... everything is.

You wonder why I don't talk to you anymore and please believe me when I say it's not that I don't want to, it's just that everything I want to say I can't tell you anymore.

I don't know which I would rather believe... that you never did care or that you eventually stopped.

Hold my hand, just one more time, so I can remind myself why it is that I can't get over you.

I think its time I let you go... and that is hard to do because part of me will be in love with you for the rest of my life.

While I was holding on all you did was let go.

Sometimes it's better to be alone. No one can hurt you that way.

I just wonder how many people never get the one they want, but end up with the one they're supposed to have.

The hardest thing about growing up is that you have to do what is right for you even if it means breaking someone's heart. Including your own.

i think i should forgot bout U ..

Life is too short so...
Kiss Longer...
Laugh Harder...
And smile Sweeter..

Monday, July 14, 2008

< dono?>

well as usual ..this pic have ntg to do with my post*points above*HAHA..dont mind me i 'm just being retard these day ..haha ;]
carmen cut the crap !!!!!!!
well..okie kinda normal laa..n joanna tak datang ke sekolah !!!! haha..i think it's cuz of ...........NVM !!! ;P bleyk !!!
we learn jahitan ...finally we done with the toilet , paip thingy . haha..XP...
urgh tmr got chinese
URGH ! double periods ! URGH !
my life being GAY these days , AHHHHH ! can i shout ?

i 'm sick of crying , tired of trying , yeah i 'm smiling , but inside i 'm dying
the cuts in my skin are deep , but the cuts in my hearts are deeper.
i was just a another girl to u , wasn't i ?
i dont run away from you , i walk away slowly . And it kills me cuz you never bother to stop me .
maybe i was just meant to be ALONE .
it doesnt hurts to dream , it hurts more to wake up .
it's hard to hold on to a dream tat never come true .
SMILES ! it's hides everything .
somebody rip my heart out , and leave me here to bleed.
i laughs then smiles to hide the pain.
i 'm all alone again , wiping my tears from eyes
i 'm not afraid of happy ending , i 'm just afraid that my life wont work tat way.
i love walking in the rain cuz no one knows i 'm crying.
love is the slowest form of suicide .

if i died , will u even care ?
i died inside , and nobody knows.
i never changed , i 'm just tired of pretending tat i was happy.
i focus on the pain , cuz tat the only thing that's REAL.

i only can said 1 word .. i HATE U !!!!!