Wednesday, July 16, 2008

SICK !!!!!

today i didnt go to school cuz i 'm SICK ! i should have go ...must be lots of fun today during PJK...but i 'm tooo tired of pretending tat my LUKA not pls don blame me ar..SOB !! urgh 's me n joanna 's perasan day ..too bad i didnt go to school ..SOB SOB !
i wonder watcha they doin now ??? gossip-ing bout me ?? blame-ing everything to me ? or maybe ..emo-ing ??? we wont know wat will happen tmr , next second , nest mins or maybe next hours
..i felt so sad after reading ur p.m. ..but atleast u let me know i wont hope it will happen AGAIN .n amanda ur 10 bucks ..tmr i 'll give u ..>.<
PEACE !! i hope u wont blame everything to me todayy ,cuz i 'm not there to arguin with u .>.<
ANYONE CAN HELP ??? i 'm sooo bored here...urgh..i should go to school lar....regret !!!!!!

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