Saturday, July 19, 2008

yesterdayyy :D

...well..joanna came over bout 9 cuz she have to finish her KUMON ..>.<..LOL..then i went down to pick her up , we stop by at rainbow mart to grab some food..she ate 2 mihun, and i drank apple juice for breakfast ..lawt!:D..
hmm..ohya..then nic arrived at 9.30..i went down and pick her up as usual ..well..the sky is kinda dark and joanna felt some drops of water .LAWT ! thx god it's not raining ..PHEW ~
while waiting for reg , we went to the toilet to fill the water ballon ..u can hear me sayin 'WTF'..lolz.
well i lazy to type soo..let the pic talk :D ..
me , reg , nic ....matchin shirt colour ??
US....i look weird !
nic , reg testin the water be4 goin down..LAWT :]
nic , reg tanning :]
nic 's a hottie !
us ~
nic . reg
u jump , i jump ..XP
nic wif water ballon [ look at her shirt , got pattern 1 ]
water ballon and my 'tong' LAWT!
me , nic , reg [ look at our nose]
emo/die .....and reg is smilin :D

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