Monday, July 28, 2008


i were limping the whole dayy cuz my legs hurt !
n kor kor .. i didnt know u care bout me 1 .hehe..i was wrong ! :]
guess wat ? i felt down in the toilet !!! tat 's sooo freakin paiseh man !! n i shouted 'WTFFFF' when i felt ..hehez..
my freakin back , hand n leg hurt ! @$#$#%$#%&*%%$#@%&%%# !!!
wtf did i do to deserve this ????? <=/

fcking exam is next week..then my fcking bday is this saturday..wrong timing la..seriously.haih~
i begged u ppl ..pls come to my bday outing...SOB*
i felt so fcking boring if i celebrate my bday alone....
ahhhhh..pls larrrrrr......can ? can ? can ryte ?????

wanna know why i hate my bday ??
cuz it's on the exam week..
exam week wat ? o.o
ppl 's busy studying their ass off la..>.<
so ??
then no1 will hadir my bday celebration laa

now u guy understand how mad i am ???

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