Monday, July 14, 2008

< dono?>

well as usual ..this pic have ntg to do with my post*points above*HAHA..dont mind me i 'm just being retard these day ..haha ;]
carmen cut the crap !!!!!!!
well..okie kinda normal laa..n joanna tak datang ke sekolah !!!! haha..i think it's cuz of ...........NVM !!! ;P bleyk !!!
we learn jahitan ...finally we done with the toilet , paip thingy . haha..XP...
urgh tmr got chinese
URGH ! double periods ! URGH !
my life being GAY these days , AHHHHH ! can i shout ?

i 'm sick of crying , tired of trying , yeah i 'm smiling , but inside i 'm dying
the cuts in my skin are deep , but the cuts in my hearts are deeper.
i was just a another girl to u , wasn't i ?
i dont run away from you , i walk away slowly . And it kills me cuz you never bother to stop me .
maybe i was just meant to be ALONE .
it doesnt hurts to dream , it hurts more to wake up .
it's hard to hold on to a dream tat never come true .
SMILES ! it's hides everything .
somebody rip my heart out , and leave me here to bleed.
i laughs then smiles to hide the pain.
i 'm all alone again , wiping my tears from eyes
i 'm not afraid of happy ending , i 'm just afraid that my life wont work tat way.
i love walking in the rain cuz no one knows i 'm crying.
love is the slowest form of suicide .

if i died , will u even care ?
i died inside , and nobody knows.
i never changed , i 'm just tired of pretending tat i was happy.
i focus on the pain , cuz tat the only thing that's REAL.

i only can said 1 word .. i HATE U !!!!!

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