Thursday, January 29, 2009

^-^ Vpeace
goes green + hang a rubix

smilee with a beanie :D
dam , i look mature here
does faces --> ;3

1 of my cousin :D :D :D

shopping like siaoz

alright alright . i didnt upload pictures . why ? lazzy la .

went to ikano && some places to check out the violins .
but all i did is SHOPPING instead of buying violin :'(

the friggin' sales pulled me . blame it then.

&& i friggin shop for 3days NON-STOP

*stare at the sales*
*just wanna see-see for awhile*
*then suddenly grab tons of clothes *
* try on them*
*then all my money GONE*

roflmao . N then i went to the violin shop with not to mention "empty wallet" with truck loads of clothes.

im so high right now :D :D :D :D
violin 's just sooo smexy . it took my breath off

Monday, January 26, 2009

it's CNY , babe

it means you can drink / gamble ...... but but but but .. dont overdo it ;D

hey ,where's my angpao ????

went to my granddad's house & stay for 3days 2nights .
my cousin from sing came back (^_^) V

they'r soooo kawaii (impossible to resist , alright)

X nampak solar ecpilse or wtv :'(
did you ??

ate yee sang , reunion dinner with familys .
it's really fun alright :D :D

next pose ;
picture taken on CNY ,
mua kawaii cousins ,
the camwhorer me.


p/s : my condo 's another 2pools 's open for all ody .
yes , yes .. the slide 1 :D

Saturday, January 24, 2009

off to grandfather's place

Dramatic reality ;
saya friggin' benci you :D
now i've lost it , i know i can kill .

off to grandfather's place for "idk how long" : '(
p/s : there no comp 1

so , if wanna contact me or something.. 0196937333 (WISH ME HAPPIE CNY)
i miss all my buddies ;
i friggin' rindu kamu semua
watched bolt today ;
kinda nice & i teared abit (sensitive person mah mua)


drink & gamble at your own risk :P

me ? nah , will be learning how to use that calculator :D
studying lor.

Friday, January 23, 2009

i demerit alot of people

well , today was retarded cuz' amanda didnt attend : (

i demerit ALOT of people cuz' of the stupiddie art ,
everyone 's evil stared me .
now everyone hate me cuz of the dam arttt

heck , & pn.prema lied : (
she said she will MERIT Me 2points for helping her ..

some crazy people even scribble their name off from the yellow-bookie
sorry la , but you'r getting the pink form :D

next project ; moral project && "LAMBs"

*stare at the door* (didnt know eugene was there)
*stare for 10second* (cuz' im blind that time)
*suddenly awaken, saw eugene there . was "OMG-ing"*
roflmao .

i miss amanda low weisim very mucie

Thursday, January 22, 2009

for funnn

as so you know . i m very busy cuz' of the lamb project :D
going to gym after this :D

1. What day is it?
my gym-dayy xD

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
violin , violin , violin

3. Have you ever thought of committing suicide? Tried before? How?
thought of it before when i was alil childish (& im still am)

4. What would you do if you won the Miss Universe?
no thankx . not my type

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
my besties's a female . how to fall in love ?? O_O

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved by someone i loved :D

7. What would be the most ideal way to wake up to in the morning?
say : " OOHH , I BoUght u A VIOLIN ALREADY ."

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
change target :P

9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? Your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
gaspard ulliel , gaspard ulliel

10. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
after 10 years only see la

11.Are you happy with your life?
I guess?

12. What makes you happy?
The word 'happy' xD

13. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
open my eyes & yawns

14. Would you give all in a relationship?

15. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
The better one of course..

16. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
That depends..

17. Is there someone who you dislike or despise rite now?

18. If your girlfriend/boyfriend told you that she/he is actually the prime minister's son/daughter, what would u do?
O___O i 'll say :" let's breakup"

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

lee hom : )

okay okay ,
im starting to like lee hom ;
why ?
1) HE PLAYS VIOLIN !!!!!!!!!!
2) HE SPEAKS FRENCH !!!!!!!!!!
3) HE'S A LEFT-HANDED !!!!!!!!!
4) HE'S A "ABC " !!!!!!!!!!!!

he can sing , can play TONS of music instrument except for cello ;D HAH

++ i have tons of lee hom pic holding an smexy violin NN guess wat ? i threw them away :O
carm , you stupid girl ah !

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

stayed back for fun : D

school was fine .. except sej & math . was half-asleep : O
brought my phonee todayy , & surprisingly , NO SPOT-CHECK today ! HAH

phonee left rm0.58 & it's already expired x)
so .. to all those people who SMS me ;
sorri for not replying cuz' i cant :)

stayed back for fun with amanda , aww~ thankyou darl
we acted retarded by teaching (air) bout SN & SC
darn funny xP

i feel guity for not walking home with you guys lah .
maybe next time ? :D :D
sorrryy :/

PICS will upload another dayy , phonee bo battery bo credit : D
alright ?

im lack of sleeping o_ _ ____O
seriously , going to faint soon ..
& i just did *faints*

u know wat ? im gonna sleep at 11 (SO EARLY !!!!!!!!)
my eyes 's closing..unable to open anymore ...
*bannggg* *sleep on the table* zZzzZZZzZZz

roflmao convo with another dam stranger -_-

carm ; says:
hi , mind intro ?
carm ; says:
Terence says:
hi ...
Terence says:
i guess you know my name on the title right ...
Terence says:
you ?
carm says:
ur age && stuffs ?
carm says:
hi , im carmen .. well. a female obviously . 14 this year . nice to meet u
Terence says:
same to ...
Terence says:
24 ... obviously male too .. from P.J. ...
Terence says:
you ?
Terence says:
guess you are looking on the facebook huh ..
carm ; ROFLMAO !!! says:
yea. lOl

Monday, January 19, 2009

devil's smile

am i THATTT OLD ??
example ;
eugenelee : mind intro btw ?
carmen : im carmen , 14years old this year .
eugenelee : WHAT???!!!!!?!!!!! didnt expect you to be sooo young !
*blocked him*
HAHA ! that's for calling me old , retard ( :

another 1 ;
david : oh hi
carmen : hi , mind intro ?
david : (insert intro) , how bout u ?
carmen : im carmen , 14years old this year : D
david : WTH ?? I thought you'r 21 cuz' of your picture !

*thinks* waa~ am i THATTT OLD ? T^T

still got tons of convo but i forgot liao : D
OK OK . im having issue bout age right now

Sunday, January 18, 2009

moral project was a blast :D

im sorry . but i have to do it .
cuz' i cant be soo un-fair .
you wanna think watever , u may do it .
i dont care .
cuz' i cant

reached jiawen's house at 11 x)
her house's BEAUTY-FULL

then i were like " DAM , i forgot bout the manilla card !"
called hueyyi , thxgod she bought it ! pheeww
start doing it , it's ugly i know
amanda called my phone && we start talking bout "life" .
she's caring x)
after that , we went to 7eleven to buy some snack
huisann: waa~ go frenz's house also need to wear high heels ar ?
carmen: HEH
talked talked talked , camwhored camwhored , eat eat eat
huisann: waa~ i didnt know you'r such a camwhorer
hueyyi: yea , first day i saw you i thought u'r a bookworm
carmen : LOL !!!!

heh , sorry la . but my lips 's gayy
im the camera-wo-men
carm , huisann , jia wen
carm , hueyyi & jiawen ++ huisann the camerawomen
kinda blurrrr
i likey this
heh , see our masterpiece
me likey thisss

messy nya !!!! O_O
was a blast .
laughed like siaoz.
thx jiawen for sending me homeee

im sorry . but i have to do it .
cuz' i cant be soo un-fair .
you wanna think watever , u may do it .
i dont care .
cuz' i cant

Saturday, January 17, 2009


well .
i kinda didnt regret coming to school today :D
becoming cik wan 's bodyguard was won-der-full
every teacher were like : waa~ cik wan got alot bodyguard


&& sejarah teacher suck !
she were like :"eh , pergi ambil chalk "
i thought she were talking to some1 behind me , so i turn behind
then she went all :" EHH ! saya PANGGIL KAMU LA !!!!!!!
*rolled eyes *

haha . lOl
im a shoes person . they'r too beauty-full to resist O.O
which make me spend more money :'(
it's okay one la , CNY 's coming bole collect alot of angpau : D

Thursday, January 15, 2009

worst day -_-


after school , me & i-dono-his-name-dude waited for 3hours in the dam primary school , my driver still didnt show up .
for friggin 3HOURS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:\
after that , a-gal went to talk to me .

f3-gal : hey , hi . my name is (i-forgot-ody)
carmen : ohh . hi . my name 's carmen . nice to meet you
f3-gal : hey, you know (i-forgot-ody) ??
carmen : yeah . why ?
f3-gal : you look exactly like her !!!!!!!!!!!!
carmen : OKOK

been spending my whole time avioding g***** *** .
dam , im friggin hungry , friggin wanna go toilet , friggin thirsty ..
after a-dam-long-time , i-dono-his-name-dude decides to walk home .. same here x)
walked walked like mati siaoz khinzir
was dam scared cuz' nowadays got tons of kes-kes rogol or watever crap .
pass IKANO . pass borders , pass thecurve , pass EVERYWHERE .
then suddenly i nampak that-i-dono-his-name-dude walking home :D
HAHA , i walk FASTER , cuz' i know the short-cut (NOT)
was walking .. then suddenly heard some1 called my name .
turned around. . saw peter . SMILE OF JOY XD
he told me he didnt know that i didnt stayed back -_-
im dam pissed right now .
sorry for the broken-eng , was dam hungry x)

secret valentine , bebe

alrightt , im bored now :/
by staring at those beauty-ful 7inch heels doesnt helps , carmen !
last night , i was so friggin pissed . why ? cuz' the duty roster 's taking away all my smart-ness :D
ooh & sejarah 's killing me too
sleep at 2 a.m. , woke up at 6a.m. . had a terrible stomach ache ; gastrik .
but school was fun , surprisingly
too much things that happen , too lazy to type ;D busy staring at those smexy heels
alright , i lie again . (not)
school over , blablabla.
(cancel that part cuz' i scared people thinks im perasan)

i love my vaseline <3

my favvv;

Soft kiss and wine what a pretty friend of mine
we're finally intertwined
nervous and shy for the moment we will come
alive tonight

secret valentine

We'll write a song
that turns out the lights
when both boy and girl start suddenly shaking inside
don't waste your time
speed up your breathing
just close your eyes
we'll hope it's not for nothing at all

lay down be still
don't worry talk they will
i'll be loving you until
morning's first light
breaks tomorrow
i'll take care of you tonight

secret valentine

We'll write a song
that turns out the lights
when both boy and girl start suddenly shaking inside
don't waste your time
speed up your breathing
just close your eyes
we'll hope it's not for nothing at all

when guilt fills your head
brush off rise up from the dead
this is the moment that we
will come alive
brace yourself for love
sweet love, secret love.

We'll write a song
that turns out the lights
when both boy and girl start suddenly shaking inside
don't waste your time
speed up your breathing
just close your eyes
we'll hope it's not for nothing at all

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

wat should i do ? :/

emo , actually it's candid :D
looking death in the eyes .
oh yes , it's my eyes :D
eh , real lashes la , not fake 1

okay i seriously have no idea wattehell should i do .
moral project ; die
hah , so all those demerit 's coming towards me , cuz' im the friggin ketua -__-
& yes , i didnt go to le guitarstore to check it out , sorry yea . it was going to rain . well . mua 's afraid o__0 ( last min cowardie)
&& now my head's aching cuz of tomorrow .
please la , i beg you , pls . i dont want to keep delaying this project . PLS LA !
PLS !!!!!!!!!!
do you want to go hangout / do project & gets tons of merit marks OR keep kena demerit ?
PLS LA , tomorrow 's the best day to do cuz' everyone's free : )


didnt bring anything illegal , i think :P
some1's phone kena rampas . sorry
&& tengian left his FULL ink G2 there , hoping hueyyi didnt throw it away :P ( why am i writing this ? for fun )

carmen - says:
HAHA , spotcheck today . thxgOd i didnt bring my phone : D
teng ian says:
teng ian says:
happy that u didnt
teng ian says:
carmen - says:
teng ian sent 1/14/2009 5:53 PM:
oh ya
teng ian sent 1/14/2009 5:53 PM:
i think ur friend took my blue g2 pen
teng ian sent 1/14/2009 5:53 PM:
one of ur friend
carmen - says:
ohh . yeah .
teng ian sent 1/14/2009 5:53 PM:
i dont know who
carmen - says:
u left it there
teng ian says:
i actually lend it to another prefect
teng ian says:
but she didnt return to me
carmen - says:
LOL ! i think it's still with her .
teng ian says:
teng ian says:
i'll get it from her tomorrow
carmen - says:
kk .
teng ian says:
u know the girl who took it right?
carmen - says:
yeah .
carmen - says:
she's 1 of gal who bring phone : P
carmen - says:
teng ian says:
teng ian says:
teng ian says:
carmen - says:
carmen - says:
so yeah , i hope she didnt throw it away
teng ian says:
teng ian says:
me too
teng ian says:
its a full ink g2
teng ian says:
i doubt she'll throw it away
teng ian says:
i hope not

LOLLOLLOLLOL ! for fun nya

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

a-qua into a-kua

moral teacher did something ridiculous :P
u wouldnt want to know :D
roflmao .

moral teacher : what's the name of your group ?
carmen : aqua (but teacher thought it's was a-kua , means pondan )
moral teacher : A-KUA ???
carmen : A-QUA BLUE !
moral teacher : A-KUA boo ?
moral teacher : PONDAK SAYS BOO ??
roflmao :P

moral teacher : whos your ketua ?
huey yi , hui sann , joanna , chinese girls : CARMEN !!!!!!
carmen : errr *stare* errr . huh ?

kh ,
kh teacher : apa bank-bank yang ada di malaysia ?
carmen : BANK - KOK (bangkok)

tomorrow , maybe going to cross le road to check TGS out ,
:P looking forward to it then

taggie geek :D

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things about you :D

Random Fact # 1
i pick nose & fart :D (O.O)

Random Fact # 2
when im hyper ; im really really crazy , when im emo ; i really really EMO (seriously)

Random Fact # 3
i sing loudly even my voice's gay (HEH)

Random Fact # 4
im very emotional (LOL)

Random Fact # 5
i seem to like drinking alcohol , very often

Random Fact # 6
i have rabbit teeth which makes me special (NOT)

Random Fact # 7
i HATE G.L !

Randonm Fact #8
i teared /cry very easily

Random Fact #9
i LOVE B.M !!

Random Fact #10
i shit ..opps

Random Fact # 11
anime doesnt exist ! get over it , carmen ! :/

Random Fact # 12
i love taking picture (of myself )

Random Fact # 13
im a totally retarded person (it's dam friggin true)

Random Fact # 14
gaspard ulliel's taken ! to all his fan , go find another man

Random Fact # 15
im dam fat >:\

Random Fact # 16
i dont fake smile anymore :D

taggie geek attackk *boo*

edited on 8 :45 ;
oh well , after reading it ..i finallly get it :D
thankyou soo much for the fake sweet words .
all those love,love,love BULLSHIT LA ! dam it
why am i so stupid ?? seriously , why ?
fuyyoh , now i finally understand everything liao :P
get lost , i dont wish to see your face anymore

david archuleta - angels
I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate
And do they know
The places where we go
When were grey and old
cos I have been told
That salvation lets their wings unfold
So when Im lying in my bed
Thoughts running through my head
And I feel the love is dead
Im loving angels instead

And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether Im right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life wont break me
When I come to call she wont forsake me
Im loving angels instead

When Im feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
And I know Ill always be blessed with love
And as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh to my bones
And when love is dead
Im loving angels instead

And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether Im right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life wont break me
When I come to call she wont forsake me
Im loving angels instead

And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether Im right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life wont break me
When I come to call she wont forsake me
Im loving angels instead

Monday, January 12, 2009

studying :D HAH !!!!

teared . no la , just joking

edited on 9:16 (just finish editing my layout) ; :D
while happing about my blog *sudden remember of h/w*
crap , haven buat yet .
KH (tons) , math (tons) , chinese (X2 tons) , science (tons) & alot more . lazy to rmb :D

Sunday, January 11, 2009

tagged by sengieeee

sengie dam evil >:/
he saw me but didnt say hi to me ;p
haha , just joking anyway .
chat-ed with him , very long never talk liao lorh :D
anyway , doing my " zhou zi " now , writing bout my smexy hawt kissable violin .

*1. Those who get tagged must answer the question about themselves.
*2. At the end of the post, tag 10 people except the person who tagged you (tagger).
*3. Continue this game by sending to other people. (refer to rule No. 2)

Time: 7:48
Name: cheang carmen
Age/Birthday: 13 / 020895
School: SMK BUD(4)
Elder Sister: none
Younger Sister: sweetie
Elder Brother: william
Younger Brother: wilson
Favourite Liquids [Drinks]: kicapoo (cuz' it's all in green)
Favourite Consumables [Food]: anything that 's eat-able
Favourite Place To Sleep: heaven's cloud
Flying: i do fly . u dont know ?
Swimming/Diving: Swimming.
How Much Friends In MSN: 168 (so little , kan )
Couple: currently single & available
Loved Ones: beloved friends , pet kor , family
Get Kicked On The Butt ? : hmmmm.
Allergic?: i dont think so
Gastric?: always ;'(
Whole Fortune?: ...
Age Of Marriage: who knows
Children Wanted: who knows

Age Of Death: 14
Animals In House: me
Longest Fingernail Ever Kept: IDK
Wanted Birthday Present: him (but he doesnt exist, not anime dude)

Q: In your dream, God tells you you are a billionaire in your dream world and gives you a wish. What would you wish for?
A. protect everyone i loved . no matter what happen , no one can lay a single finger on them

5 people to tag:
amanda ,
hanna halid ,
nicole cheong ,
gaspard ulliel ; my babe ,
jo-chan .

Saturday, January 10, 2009

homeworks kills :/

my 2 chinese , math , pjk & blahs h/w belum siap or rather haven even touch yet (:

& oh.. jadual waktu , && jadual bertugas :|

still , im so chill here learning yoga :D

i must be siaox 0_0

edited 1:16PM :P

Designer Music

8-1-G, Jalan PJU 8/5E, Bandar Damansara Perdana, Petaling Jaya
47820 Selangor,

  • Tel 03-7710 0030
  • Fax 03-7710 0020

so NEAR my condo O_O
jalan kaki pun bole
jo , is this the guitar store you'r talking bout ?

another 1 ,
OMG , it's click-able !
is this the one ?
ini pun bole jalan kaki xP

1-22A (Showroom & School)
1-22A, Jalan PJU 8/3,
Bandar Damansara Perdana,
Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan,
(Opposite Emkay Land Office)


blue BLEU rawk ! :P

haha , fat people have their own syok-sendiri moments (:
so do not insult (:
TQ very muchie

I don't want to be girl who laughs the loudest
Or the girl who never wants to be alone
I don't want to be that call at 4 o' clock in the morning
'Cause I'm the only one in the world who wont be home

Ah, ah, sun is blinding
Ah, ah, stayed up again
Oh, oh, I am finding
That's not the way i want my story to end

I'm safe, up high
Nothing can touch me
Why do I feel this party's over?

No pain inside
You're my protection
But how do I feel this good sober?

I don't want to be the girl who has to fill the silence
The quiet scares me 'cause it screams the truth
Please don't tell me that we had that conversation
'Cause I wont remember, save your breath, 'cause what's the use

Ah, ah, night is coming
And it whispers to me softly, "Come and play"
Ah, ah, I am falling
And if I ever let go I'm the only one to blame

I'm safe, up high
Nothing can touch me
Why do I feel this party's over?

No pain inside
You're like perfection
But how do I feel this good sober?

Coming down, coming down, coming down
Spinning round, spinning round, spinning round
Looking for myself sober

Coming down, coming down, coming down
Spinning round, spinning round, spinning round
Looking for myself sober

When it's good, then it's good, it's so all good till it goes bad
Till you're trying to find the you that you once had
I have heard myself cry, "Never again"
Broken down in agony, trying to find a friend

I'm safe, up high
Nothing can touch me
Why do I feel this party's over?

No pain inside
You're like perfection
But how do I feel this good sober?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

je t' aime (: C'est amour

Les souvenirs, supposés se faner.
Qu'est-ce qui est incorrect avec mon coeur ?
Débarrassez-vous-en, permettez-y d'aller.
N'a pas cru qu'il soit cela durement.

Lol .yes i drew something on my eyes with my eyeliner 8D
looks retarded , i know .
feels bored after drawing sooooo many eyes with beatiful eye lashes :D
sorry la , no time to put on mascara :(

btw ,
im taking ;

drama [ dramatic people should go drama ]
pingpong :P

baby , je t' aime .
les souvenirs , supposes se faner
mais qu'est-ce qui est incorrect avec moi ? semblez que je vous aime toujours très beaucoup
Mon coeur est à toi
vous voulez le déchirer, le déchirer dans les morceaux, le lancer négligemment, c'est votre choix parce que mon coeur vous appartient pour toujours, le bébé
baby, I still love you
Memories, supposed to fade.
What's wrong with my heart?
what is wrong with me? seem that I still love you alot
My heart belongs to you
you want to rip it, tear it into pieces, throw it away , it is your choice because my heart belongs to you, forever baby

edited ;
Si vous désirez écrire à Gaspard, lui demander autographe ou autre ...
Voici l'adresse de son manager (if you want to write to gaspard or ask for his autograf. u can mail it to his manager )

ADD : Gaspard Ulliel / Act1 / Laurence Coudert
83 rue Saint - Honoré
75001 Paris

Jacquou Le Croquant

my smexy hawt gaspard ulliel acted tons of movie xD

Jacquou Le Croquant is the best (: im gonna buy it from E-BAY ! which costs a BOMB

the price already mahal + TAX

aiyar , it's worth it 1 la . gaspard ulliel so HAWT

i really hate it when malaysia tak sell french movie
then i have to buy it with dam mahal price
Jacquou Le Croquant <3 <3

things i seriously have to do
1) learn french
2) learn french so i can read the novel !
3) watch the movie
4) buy it from e-bay
5) learn FRENCH

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

drawingg :D

ignore this . dam ugly , i know :X
me drawing xD
paiseh ! i ter-tidur cuz too tired *yawns*
ignore this 1 too
instead of studying , this 's what i do (:

currently have tons of homework ,
didnt even do a single one roflmao
i 'm sooo gonna dead

since im a AJK keceria-an ,
have to make the jadual bertugas , jadual waktu && alot more
head 's aching , cant make a dicision which colour should we choose for the main-background
was thinking of aqua-blue , light purple etc etc

carmen , joanna & hanna 's gonna deco 2S til very-de-cantik
currently hating life ,
life's un-fair

Rihanna Rehab Lyrics:

Baby, baby
When we first met
I never felt
something so strong
You were like my lover
And my best friend
All wrapped into one
With a ribbon on it
And all of a sudden
You went and left
I didn't know how to follow
It's like a shot
That spun me around
And now my heart left
I feel so empty and hollow

And I'll never give
myself to another
The way I gave it to you
Don't even recognize
The ways you hurt me
Do you?
It's gonna take a
miracle to bring
me back
And you're the one to blame

And now I feel like, oh
You're the reason
Why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on
These cigarettes no more
I guess this is what I get
For wishful thinking
Should've never let
you enter my door
Next time you wanna
go on and leave
I should just let you
go on and do it
'Cause now I'm using
like I please
It's like I checked into rehab
Baby you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab
Baby you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease

I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease

Ain't it crazy
When your love slams?
You'll do anything
For the one you love
'Cause anytime
That you needed me
I'd be there
It's like
You were my favorite drug
The only problem is
That you was using me
In a different way
That I was using you
But now that I know
That it's not meant to be
You gotta go
I gotta wean myself off of you

All the ladys say oh oh oh oh ohhh
oh oh ohhh

oh oh oh oh ohhh
oh oh ohhh

All the ladys say oh oh oh oh ohhh
oh oh ohhh

oh oh oh oh ohhh
oh oh ohhh

Oh,you're the reason
Why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on
These cigarettes no more
I guess this is what I get
For wishful thinking
Should've never let
you enter my door
Next time you wanna
go on and leave
I should just let you
go on and do it
'Cause now I'm using
like I please
It's like I checked into rehab
Baby you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab
Baby you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

second dayy..

now im starting to like math :D
so rare !
B.M rocks btw , my karangan almost done .
tmr got pjk :O

i hate making theme , cause everytime when i'm editing it . it lagg so i have to re-do it again

:D gaspard ulliel 's interview , gaspard ulliel 's theme , gaspard ulliel's wallpaper , gaspard ulliel 's screensaver

:O addiction kills

alright , i lie
not so addicted to him


why do i feel empty , depressed ?
who knows ? sighh.
i cry almost everyday , staring at the sky ..
listening to classical music ...
parents thinks i wanna suicide for on the gas for2hours.
only gas no fire . which can cost a BIGG explosion that KILLS .
roflmao , if i on the gas stove to cook something .. i 'm already dead now :X
my parents forced me to smell the gas ... they scolded me ..
they blamed me for things i didnt do .
they even halau me out from the house when it' s midnight (& i dont know why)..they dont care much whether did i kena kidnap .
they dont care about my studys , they just care bout the final result .
no one cares bout me .
no ONE ! what they care is good result ..

sry for my emo -ness

Monday, January 5, 2009

first day of f2 life

after studying for 3hours . im back to blog (: HEH

yesterday night , jo called me & she told me that cik din is not doing the transport service !
O.O i almost die cause of heart-attack .. roflmao.
thank to her for helping me :D

carmen : ehh, let's dont be any ajk or whatever la ..dam mafan
jojo : yealor ..

after that , our class teacher asked who wanna be ajk &bla bla bla .

teacher were like "carmen , ok ar.. AJK science ?"
then i go all " NOOOO ! *shake head*
jojo says : YES YES YESS !!

then ,

teacher says : "who wanna be GEO AJK ??
then i were like :" JOANNNAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
roflmao . *gives evil stares*

after that , we planned an evil plan ..
when teacher asked bout ajk (i-dono-what)
me & jo shouted : HANNNAAAAAAA !
hahahaha..dam fun

hanna 's sad cuz she cant be AJK kebersihan ..
so i helped her ask teacher bout it lorh
but joanna says :
WE 3 (refers to me , hanna N jo) be ajk kebersihan .

lol.. so now im AJK kebersihan & AJK science ! fuyy0oohh !!!!!!!

FUYOOH To hanna , me N jojO for being 2 AJK xD

today's fun :D

anyways , i changed my blog layout again xD
comments .

Saturday, January 3, 2009

school reopen


10 things i learned in 2008

1) music instrument rawt !
2) classical music rawt !
3) do not judge people by their outer appearance
5) dont just wish for dreams to cometrue , make it happen !
7) i cant read people 's mind
(roflmao , im not edward cullen)
8) once you mix with bad friends , you will turn BAD too
9) dont take things seriously
10 ) backstabber , betrayer SUCK !

10 things i discovered in 2008
1) RUDE PEOPLE SUCK !!!!!!!!

2) a smile worth more than a sour face
3) i LOVE violin
4) appearing offline is FUN xD
6) the goat in the pendant brings me luck (seriously , thx sanghaans)
7) only true friend will confort you when you'r sad/depressed
8) i LOVE green & aqua blue
9) i love to plant !
10 ) im quiet if you dont know me , but once you know me ..i can be very LOUD ! (be caution)

dam , have to wakeup so early .
im not a early-waker la . kesian me

sometimes .. it's better not to have any friends rather than bad friends.

crap , where's my uniform ? yeer, have to wear that pinaform again T_T

Friday, January 2, 2009


since everyone write . same goes here xD

bad girl -> good girl
conteng -> tulisan yang cantik
gossip -> discuss bout homework
night owl -> sleep early , morning waker
lazy bump -> my rajin-ness kills
liking anime dude -> not so obbess ody (:


pay attention to teacher !
do not sleep in the class !
do not pass paper during lessons !
do not gossip !
study hard !
exercise very often !

boo yeahh :)

boo yeah (:
amanda !
(: (:
im afraid of the pool X)
she's flyinggggggggg ~
batu batu
fly again O.O
heh . poser xP
i hate the wind
tree's blocking me
i hate the wind (again)
sour+ ROCK
love this pic
she notice that im taking picture . lOl
watching naruto . lOl
carmen 's N amanda's phoneeee -ie

amanda , im soo gonna miss you :(