Monday, January 5, 2009

first day of f2 life

after studying for 3hours . im back to blog (: HEH

yesterday night , jo called me & she told me that cik din is not doing the transport service !
O.O i almost die cause of heart-attack .. roflmao.
thank to her for helping me :D

carmen : ehh, let's dont be any ajk or whatever la ..dam mafan
jojo : yealor ..

after that , our class teacher asked who wanna be ajk &bla bla bla .

teacher were like "carmen , ok ar.. AJK science ?"
then i go all " NOOOO ! *shake head*
jojo says : YES YES YESS !!

then ,

teacher says : "who wanna be GEO AJK ??
then i were like :" JOANNNAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
roflmao . *gives evil stares*

after that , we planned an evil plan ..
when teacher asked bout ajk (i-dono-what)
me & jo shouted : HANNNAAAAAAA !
hahahaha..dam fun

hanna 's sad cuz she cant be AJK kebersihan ..
so i helped her ask teacher bout it lorh
but joanna says :
WE 3 (refers to me , hanna N jo) be ajk kebersihan .

lol.. so now im AJK kebersihan & AJK science ! fuyy0oohh !!!!!!!

FUYOOH To hanna , me N jojO for being 2 AJK xD

today's fun :D

anyways , i changed my blog layout again xD
comments .

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