Sunday, January 11, 2009

tagged by sengieeee

sengie dam evil >:/
he saw me but didnt say hi to me ;p
haha , just joking anyway .
chat-ed with him , very long never talk liao lorh :D
anyway , doing my " zhou zi " now , writing bout my smexy hawt kissable violin .

*1. Those who get tagged must answer the question about themselves.
*2. At the end of the post, tag 10 people except the person who tagged you (tagger).
*3. Continue this game by sending to other people. (refer to rule No. 2)

Time: 7:48
Name: cheang carmen
Age/Birthday: 13 / 020895
School: SMK BUD(4)
Elder Sister: none
Younger Sister: sweetie
Elder Brother: william
Younger Brother: wilson
Favourite Liquids [Drinks]: kicapoo (cuz' it's all in green)
Favourite Consumables [Food]: anything that 's eat-able
Favourite Place To Sleep: heaven's cloud
Flying: i do fly . u dont know ?
Swimming/Diving: Swimming.
How Much Friends In MSN: 168 (so little , kan )
Couple: currently single & available
Loved Ones: beloved friends , pet kor , family
Get Kicked On The Butt ? : hmmmm.
Allergic?: i dont think so
Gastric?: always ;'(
Whole Fortune?: ...
Age Of Marriage: who knows
Children Wanted: who knows

Age Of Death: 14
Animals In House: me
Longest Fingernail Ever Kept: IDK
Wanted Birthday Present: him (but he doesnt exist, not anime dude)

Q: In your dream, God tells you you are a billionaire in your dream world and gives you a wish. What would you wish for?
A. protect everyone i loved . no matter what happen , no one can lay a single finger on them

5 people to tag:
amanda ,
hanna halid ,
nicole cheong ,
gaspard ulliel ; my babe ,
jo-chan .

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