Monday, January 26, 2009

it's CNY , babe

it means you can drink / gamble ...... but but but but .. dont overdo it ;D

hey ,where's my angpao ????

went to my granddad's house & stay for 3days 2nights .
my cousin from sing came back (^_^) V

they'r soooo kawaii (impossible to resist , alright)

X nampak solar ecpilse or wtv :'(
did you ??

ate yee sang , reunion dinner with familys .
it's really fun alright :D :D

next pose ;
picture taken on CNY ,
mua kawaii cousins ,
the camwhorer me.


p/s : my condo 's another 2pools 's open for all ody .
yes , yes .. the slide 1 :D

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