Sunday, January 18, 2009

moral project was a blast :D

im sorry . but i have to do it .
cuz' i cant be soo un-fair .
you wanna think watever , u may do it .
i dont care .
cuz' i cant

reached jiawen's house at 11 x)
her house's BEAUTY-FULL

then i were like " DAM , i forgot bout the manilla card !"
called hueyyi , thxgod she bought it ! pheeww
start doing it , it's ugly i know
amanda called my phone && we start talking bout "life" .
she's caring x)
after that , we went to 7eleven to buy some snack
huisann: waa~ go frenz's house also need to wear high heels ar ?
carmen: HEH
talked talked talked , camwhored camwhored , eat eat eat
huisann: waa~ i didnt know you'r such a camwhorer
hueyyi: yea , first day i saw you i thought u'r a bookworm
carmen : LOL !!!!

heh , sorry la . but my lips 's gayy
im the camera-wo-men
carm , huisann , jia wen
carm , hueyyi & jiawen ++ huisann the camerawomen
kinda blurrrr
i likey this
heh , see our masterpiece
me likey thisss

messy nya !!!! O_O
was a blast .
laughed like siaoz.
thx jiawen for sending me homeee

im sorry . but i have to do it .
cuz' i cant be soo un-fair .
you wanna think watever , u may do it .
i dont care .
cuz' i cant

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