Monday, June 28, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

FREE awesome red launch tee by puffylab

Have u heard of puffylab ? well , they'r giving out FREE awesome red launch tee by just signing up ! :D
each launch tee is worth rm45 (:

sounds pretty cool eh ? (;
CLICK HERE to sign up ! there's only 5 more days left so make sure you check out their website :)

puffy lab - we sells designer's shirts, and we are empowered by designers


Monday, June 21, 2010

i can haz skull & Cc

school reopens already which means shorter blogpost ! 
u think i so evil meh ? i'll try my best to entertain my readers one :)

went to curve yesterdayand bought 3pairs earrings & watched toy story 3 , SUPER AWESOME LORH !

#1 : nais ornot ? im very into skull nowadays :P

lol sorry my ears is quite large so please excuse it and focus completely on mai sexay skull & chanel earring LOL

#2 : NAIS ??

sorry for bad picture quality :( 

btw ryte ,
my TOP haz new MV !! 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Mind is the Scene of the Crime

so i guess most of you probably knows about the upcoming movie called "Inception"  right ?


oh well , since its kinda rare so im gonna share my most valueable secret in my mind that i dont want to be stolen.

okay , here it goes , pay attention B)

the most valueable secret in my mind that i dont want to be stolen is.. my memories :)
from baby til now , sweet memories , bitter memories - everything is precious  to me .
all the flash back , everything i've done is super important , and i really dont want it to be stolen :P

so yeah , i really hope that i can win myself a pair of invites to watch premiere screening of inception , judge from the trailer , it looks like a really great movie & it's from the director of The dark knight , that's why i'm really really looking forward to have my mind is the scene of crime on 14th july :) 

*insert emo song's title*

i dont usually blog about my feelings , but i just felt that i should blog about this one.

no one can understand the way i'm feeling now.
it's just weird , very weird.

i guess , it fades already ryte ?
those good memories we used to have.
well its pretty obvious that u'r bored of me already.
now i'm just like a friend that isn't important in your life , right ?
you dont really care about all this anymore right ?. 


Hangout wit my babes-

Hang out with my babes

I've decided to blog about it because i don't get to go out everyday one , strict parents :(

#1 : super light makeup :) :) :)

#2 : ignore my eyebrow because it looks weird lol

#3 : Zhizheng is changing so she's not in this pic :D

was having a hard time deciding which movie to watch .
so in the end , we watched "MARMADUKE" .

#5 : marmaduke

Er.... Well , its about a talking great dane :O

Dog lovers should watch , 
i feel a little sad while watching it because it reminds me of my ex-dog (bravo)

RATING : 2.5/10

so after the movie , we went to K.T.Z to makan lorh :P


#7 :  taken by hueyyi smile :)

#8 : DROOLS :D

so after makan , we window shopping for quite awhile ,
Stopped by at " TOY R US " & play like 5years old baby lol

No pictures , because they keep avoiding the camera T______T

nah , you see for your self la.

#9 : hueyyi avoiding the cam lol 

#10 : huisann avoiding :(

#11 : zhi zheng busy wif phone , don't choi me lol

But  after that hueyyi feel like cam whoring so yeah at least there's 2 pictures LOL



they all busy Sms-ing/eating/avoiding the camera ,
i nothing to do so i camwhore lorh =D

#14 : nice no ? :P

#15 : finally a picture of me smiling ! i haven't smile for centuries already :O

went to sann's house afterward to talk about taxi & 11 :O

so yeah , hope that i can hangout with them again tomorrow :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Want to get 2 FREE CD ?

Music is my life , music is me :) i listen to music 24/7 , when I'm in a bad mood , it always cheer me up ♥
So recently , I've found about that Sony music malaysia is giving away 2 FREE CD just by blogging ;)

and so , i quickly went to search "SONY MUSIC MALAYSIA FANPAGE" ...
the thing that surprise me is that they're always updated !!

btw , this is the place to get the latest info on celebrities like Hey monday , ke$ha ,Shakira, Alicia Keys, Kelly Clarkson ,Christina Aguilera , ohn Mayer, Pitbull, Adam Lambert , Usher ,  Michael Jackson, Westlife , Backstreet Boys , The Fray, Kings of Leon, Boys Like Girls , dennis lau & MANY MORE :)

OH OH OH & 2PM too ~!♥ *yum* :P

By just following SONY MUSIC MALAYSIA FANPAGE , you not only gets LATEST UPDATES of your fav celebrities ,
you'll also stand a chance to win alot of really awesome albums giveaways .

all those really awesome freebies to giveaways are just a click away (;


BTW , both facebooker that commented there are my bloggers friends aswell :D


Couldn't attend to the concert that you've been dying to go ?
AT SONY MUSIC MALAYSIA FANPAGE , you could see alot of photos of it & never missed a thing , because they're always updated ! :D

the thing that really attracts me is their Featured video :D

it's shakira latest video 'Waka Waka" ( official 2010 world cup song )

I don't really watch World cup but this is 1 hell of a nice song XD

so are you a fan of SONY MUSIC MALAYSIA already ?

btw , they're on twitter too :D 

so yeah , fancy on getting 2 FREE CD of your choice ? 
just blog about it & ready to add another 2 CD to your collection (;

check out SONY MUSIC MALAYSIA FAN PAGE for more information (:

as for me ,
OBVIOUSLY I'll get 2PM *drools* & probably violinist dennis lau 's CD