Sunday, June 6, 2010

bird park ; im a elephant :D

2weeks holidays :) YAY ^^

went to KL bird park with parents because i want to enjoy my holidays to the max ;D


#1 : this bird banyak fair ! i want his/her skin tone LOL

#2 : was a leopard that day :D no wonder birds are afraid of me lol


#4 : obviously a camwhore shot (;

#5 : baby chicks & baby duck ! cute maxxxx

#6 : my sis went to feed the parrots :) btw , the milk cost rm2 lol

# 7 :  those parrots looks cute max , but also noisy max -.-

# 8 : hornbill :)

#9 : flamingo :D :D pretty max

#10 : they eat papaya lah ,not raw meat xD

#11 : picture of me with dirty water -.-



myspace graphic at Gickr

 im a elephant & leopard hybrid holding a cute max snake :D 



  1. lol u wanna be as white as the bird? =D

  2. hahah..u r not elephant, but hot women tiger

  3. The milk damn expensive lo...and the bird oso damn greedy. n Noisy max. LOL! But otherwise Kl bird park is a fun place. haha

  4. LOL, the last pic, kekeke
    Nice wo, can feed the birds =D

  5. >bake it better : Haha yeah :D

    >something is nothing : LOL thanks :D

    >lindy : haha yeah :P u went there b4 ?

    >araleling : haha cool ornot the last pic ? :D

  6. nice parrots! enjoy ur holidae to max too! :D
