Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Mind is the Scene of the Crime

so i guess most of you probably knows about the upcoming movie called "Inception"  right ?


oh well , since its kinda rare so im gonna share my most valueable secret in my mind that i dont want to be stolen.

okay , here it goes , pay attention B)

the most valueable secret in my mind that i dont want to be stolen is.. my memories :)
from baby til now , sweet memories , bitter memories - everything is precious  to me .
all the flash back , everything i've done is super important , and i really dont want it to be stolen :P

so yeah , i really hope that i can win myself a pair of invites to watch premiere screening of inception , judge from the trailer , it looks like a really great movie & it's from the director of The dark knight , that's why i'm really really looking forward to have my mind is the scene of crime on 14th july :) 

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