Sunday, June 13, 2010

The A-team movie review (;

"Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith: Give me a minute, I'm good. Give my team an hour, we're unbeatable. "

went to Ecurve to watch A-TEAM with parents last night .

and all i can say is that A-TEAM is freaaking awesome ♥

the whole movie was funny yet awesome :)
it's full with action-packed scene yet has some really funny moments , the whole cinema were laughing pretty hard  lol. besides , Bradley Cooper aka "face" was freaking sexyyy in that movie Lol.

#1 : A TEAM !!


The A-Team
#3 :  B.A  Baracus (Quentin 'Rampage' Jackson)

The A-Team
#4 :   Bradley Cooper ♥ ( Lt. Templeton 'Faceman' Peck )

The A-Team
#5 : i seriously can go melt right now :D sexy maxxxx :)

The A-Team
#6 : A-TEAM with bradley cooper 's smile :D

The A-Team
#7 : charisa sosa ( jessica biel )

The A-Team
#8 : murdock ( sharlto copley) 

Liam Neeson
#8 : hannibal ( Liam neeson)

The A-Team
#10 : gosh , it's definitely worth your money ! no joke :)

The A-Team
#11 : Lollol sexyyyyyyyyyy :D

Murdock is insanely awesome :D he's like the crazy-crazy yet cool type ;) love it when he drive the helicopter ! epic awesome scene max :)

B.A is cool :D both of his knuckles were tattoo "FOOL" & "PITY" , he's fear of flying . lol 

Hannibal is erm.... the serious type lah so i don't really like him ;P

least but not last , FACE  .. he's HOT , he's SEXY :D but he's a playboy ( oh well , sort of ) ;D

 i have a confession to make 
this whole review thing is actually a fangirling post for FACE :D

hahahahahahahhaa !



  1. Going for both this Saturday....

  2. my sister watched it and she said its nice... i wanna go watch too but no kaki yet at the moment... HAHA

  3. >jae : wow cool :D

    >lukey : haha yes u should :D its awesome (:

    >henry : hahaha gogogo watch !

    >lindy : heck'yea :D dam hot lol

  4. heard its a good movie =)
    Since you recommend it, so i'm definitely going for it !

  5. **foot print**
    I wanna watch this..! i got so many movies i need to catch but so little time..!
    Nanged and clicked on ur adv..!!
    Do visit mine as well..
    Cya... Cheers!!

  6. I watched The Losers before I watched A-Team. I love when they have the helicopter chasing scene, kaka!

  7. nice review, am waiting to watch this ..!

  8. hahaha nice review there. i was like, why are there so many pics of bradley cooper. no wonder =P

    man, i sure hope i can watch this movie next week! XD

  9. Buaya Jess crawl over ur blog for the very first time^^

  10. still finding time to watch that movie hehe. btw i can escape that tyres easily :P
