Thursday, June 17, 2010

*insert emo song's title*

i dont usually blog about my feelings , but i just felt that i should blog about this one.

no one can understand the way i'm feeling now.
it's just weird , very weird.

i guess , it fades already ryte ?
those good memories we used to have.
well its pretty obvious that u'r bored of me already.
now i'm just like a friend that isn't important in your life , right ?
you dont really care about all this anymore right ?. 



  1. *hugs* Do take care ya! and smile, it do helps a lil to make us feel happier ^^

  2. awwww no one is bored of u :)

  3. >uru : thanks :)

    >shuwen : thanks :)

    >lene : thanks ^_^

    >jason : LOl u saw it ? cool :D thanks anyway ;)
