Tuesday, June 1, 2010

sorry my parents , i needa go to Jail......

Sorry my dear parents , i needa go to jail because of what i've done D:

my deepest apologize , because of this post i've wrote about why smartphone can be dumbphone ....

 police came & catch me :( 
but luckily i manage to snap a picture to show to my readers !!
#1 : i kelian ornot ? :( :( :( my hand kena rotan so many times until change colour ! lol

they wanted me to change into a prisoner cloth...

but obviously it's wayy too unglam ..
but i tailored-make a special more skin-revealing 1 . LOL JK

so the polices took me to ECOBA in damansara perdana !!!!!

which looks like this :D

ZOMG it looks freaking nice right ? 
btw the policeman tipu me , it's actually a breakfree party by DIGI :D
then hor , the policeman told me that if i camwhore kao kao & blog about this event ,
i MIGHT stand a chance to win a BlackBerry !!!!!! :D 

Lol wtf i camwhore inside a blackberry & i am thinking about blackberry !!

btw , this happy prisoner friend of mine is pretty max :D her name is daphne , she blogs at http://www.pukepukeblurt.blogspot.com/

 they serve tiny-sized food for us prisoners & villians too !

which is soooooo darn cute & delicious also x) hahaha

enjoying my delicious food ! nom nom nom nom 

took a picture with another prisoner there ! love his eye makeup ! pro max ryte ?

Prisoners/villians can live blogging also xD 
PRO MAX to the MAX :D
DG break free party is awesome blossom :)

OH NO , i spotted JOKER there :O
lol prisoners/villians do crime but still can sit on sofa  & relax xD

so after makan , they have the best dress award !!
whichever prisoner or villians who dress the nicest will win a freaking HTC legend !!
but sadly my fugly dress didnt kena choosen :(


they asked the prisoners & villians to catwalk & impress us !!

RED QUEEN without wig & Heavy makeup ! so pretty leh :D

Seducing vampire catwalk !

 she's AWESOME :D  btw , she's the 1 that won the Htc legend !

twetty bird eater ? >:D

this 1 also damn awesome :D but i forgot which villian is he xD lmao

pro max prisoner cat walk ! :D meow


the party ended at 10 ,
i went home with 2free movie tickets & a goodie bag by DG :D
pro max right ? i do crime also can get free stuff lmao

i decided not to hide my feelings ..
i was little disappointed cuz i didnt win a BlackBerry for the pre-event post ...
so i hope this post will win me a BB la :D 

btw , bloggers , PLEASE dont get offended :(
it was a for-fun post :(


if i win the blackberry , i surely gonna sign up for digi smart plan 1 !!
so freaking cheap ! can save 50% on your smartphone !
obviously i want to be a smart user of a smartphone that signup for digi smart plan la :D
because that makes me smarty-pants 8D

for more info to be smart , please do check out digi smart plan



  1. Haha. Wow! It looksss so fun! Hope u win BB ler, if win got extra, don't forget to share. ^^

  2. >ryan : hahaha :D SURE :D :D

    >sion : hehehe :D thanks

  3. I like the way you began your post. :P

  4. <3 to see u in stripes. cute. :)

  5. >jfook : thanks :D

    >xraafikx : haha thanks ^_^

  6. the food looks so cute!!! XD

  7. good luck on ur blackberry, and no worries, u look hawt in that dress too

  8. Lol! 'Camwhore kao kao' funny line. HAHA

  9. hahaha...very funny..i think u'll get ur dream BB someday...

  10. Young cute gals behind bars? WOW! Thats hot!!

  11. nice man! but it's normal to get a papercut size BB phone... :P

  12. >j_fish : hehe thanks ^_^

    >lukey : thanks (:

    >Lindy : haha yea kinda :D

    >NOkia : hopes so :(

    >"I" : hahaha which ? :P

    >sonny : lol thanks :) normal meh ? :O

  13. wow .. nice ... then did u win ?! LOL

  14. haha i wanted to go for this event, But had to go cover Hennessy Artistry LOL...

    Good luck in winning the bb =)

  15. Hmmm...both la also kawaii, dont know which 1 to choose ;)

  16. Wahahaha.. Another Nick I found for myself.. Tweety Bird Eater.. ^^"
    Cute post you got here =)
