Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hangout wit my babes-

Hang out with my babes

I've decided to blog about it because i don't get to go out everyday one , strict parents :(

#1 : super light makeup :) :) :)

#2 : ignore my eyebrow because it looks weird lol

#3 : Zhizheng is changing so she's not in this pic :D

was having a hard time deciding which movie to watch .
so in the end , we watched "MARMADUKE" .

#5 : marmaduke

Er.... Well , its about a talking great dane :O

Dog lovers should watch , 
i feel a little sad while watching it because it reminds me of my ex-dog (bravo)

RATING : 2.5/10

so after the movie , we went to K.T.Z to makan lorh :P


#7 :  taken by hueyyi smile :)

#8 : DROOLS :D

so after makan , we window shopping for quite awhile ,
Stopped by at " TOY R US " & play like 5years old baby lol

No pictures , because they keep avoiding the camera T______T

nah , you see for your self la.

#9 : hueyyi avoiding the cam lol 

#10 : huisann avoiding :(

#11 : zhi zheng busy wif phone , don't choi me lol

But  after that hueyyi feel like cam whoring so yeah at least there's 2 pictures LOL



they all busy Sms-ing/eating/avoiding the camera ,
i nothing to do so i camwhore lorh =D

#14 : nice no ? :P

#15 : finally a picture of me smiling ! i haven't smile for centuries already :O

went to sann's house afterward to talk about taxi & 11 :O

so yeah , hope that i can hangout with them again tomorrow :)


  1. 2.5/10? tat bad? at first i wanted to watch i dun feel like watching seniors said its not nice either...

  2. >jiashinlee : haha yeah it is good :)

    >vivian : Haha well , it gets alittle annoying when the dog talk too much lol :D

  3. It's always nice to hang out with best friends :D

    Enjoy tomorrow too ya ^^

  4. i love love love love love the picture u took of the eyessss =D
