Thursday, December 11, 2008

domino 's / silent .. msn

happie belated birthday sweetie ( my sister )
will buy you a present on CF08
:D be patient !

damn , my mom left 50buck at home & asked me to order pizza for lunch !
oh crap , have to exercise like mad ady
well ... i lazy to call cuz it will cost . so yeah . just did online ordering .
edited ;
( i sounds like carmen )
p/s : happie now ?

anyways , should i buy violin ?
if i do ..... my pocket will have tons of holes .. all my money $_$
would i regret if i bought the violin ? bcoz it will cost around 2,000+
please tell me what should i do O-O

edited ..again (:
well .. decided to take off my harsh part away .
cuz im very happie right now :D :D
my dad bought me a new phone :D
heh , changed my num .
ask me if necessary (:

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